oh Iran wtf is wrong?

I will just copy paste the entire story because.. well i found it a "nice read", enjoy.
In short: Iran football player found , what he thought it was a rock that was thrown at the field and oh suprise..

"The expressions "He is a bomb ready to be set off" and "He's on fire" in sports have taken some more literal meaning in a video uploaded to Youtube today. The video is of a Football (Soccer) game in Isfahan, Iran where a spectator threw a object down on the the field next two plays, and two referees. A player notices the object land near him and he causally picks it up and tosses it to the sidelines, thinking it was just another random object chucked down to the field. Roughly a few seconds after the object left his hand it exploded. A small ball of fire followed by a smoke cloud emerged causing the referees and the players to flee the area. The game was cancelled so the police could investigate further.
P.S. Why did the referees run away so quick and the players causally did while one just kind of put his arms up like "Ahh not again"?"
Man my dad is crazy.
lol at the refs
It makes perfect sense to run away. The only reason it looked so odd was because the players seemed not to really give a fuck :P
Maybe refs aren't iranians :D
Throwing handgrenades, isnt it their national sport there?
actually its throwing rocks at womans
throwing rocks several times a day must be a good workout.
its fake. look closely
I can tell it from pixels
fucking nuke the shit out of that country please
lol dat guy is so lucky
Now they gonna blame the jews / mossad <3
stop complaining 1st world fags, you killed hitler before his mission was done.
now youll have to put up with scum like that.
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