
hello nerds.

just wanted to share my awsome achivment with you. As I already told to few of you, I was trying to get to the semi-pro basketball league. It all started 6 months ago when they annoucend recruitment to team. At first I wasn't good enough to join team imidietly, I had to work realy hard for my dream. So I started praticing almost everyday, I spent 90% of my free time praticing, (I also quited gaming, played games only on lan to meet with my e-mates!) - running, shooting, swiming, gym sessions etc. w/e I could to improve my game. Meanwhile I had accident on motorbike and I had few weeks of break, after that I had knee injury but - I still came back and gave my best. The result of all of that is contract which I signed few hours ago. I'm so happy now :)

So the question for you guys is - what is your dream and what can you do / what can you go through to reach your it?(because dreams never become reality if you don't help them!)

got to go now ;) got next praticie in 6 hours and 4 pre-season games in next 2 weeks
some music for you:



e: dunno how to put yt video so i just added links
gratz...u black?
not even close to being black ;p
nice jurnal, now im motivated as hell, ill become a great ET player for praccing 12 h a day

oh wait im doing it right now.
But srsly, Great job and gl with your passion :)
My dream was to become an official MMA-fighter, I gave up after one round of fighting :D
LOVE the training, HATE the fights :)
ktora liga i jaka druzyna?:)
Piaseczno, drużyny są z 2giej i 3ciej ligi jednak nadal do drugiej mi troche brakuje, a nawet jeśli to bym nic nie pograł ;)
no to może się spotkamy :) mks kalisz tutaj ;)
moze :P w terminarzu swoim was nie widzialem :D nie wiem jak ta liga wyglada, bo to moj pierwszy sezon ;)
no bo inne województwo ;) chyba 2 najlepsze zespoły wychodzą wyżej
no z tego co się zdążyłem dowiedzieć to jest tak jak mówisz - tyle, że my narazie nie mamy co liczyć na wyjście ;)
My dream is to win the lotto.
Usually i don't put enough effort because i am too lazy, but right now i am following one of my old dreams / life objectives.

Got accepted at one of the best Portuguese universities. I am doing a Master degree at Informatics Engineering, with 2 specializations (usually people do only 1, but since i since i got dismissed of some classes, i can do 2 specializations at same time). So, Graphical Systems and Multimedia is my main specialization, and Architecture, Systems and Networks is the 2nd specialization. There is a 99.7% percentage of employment.

Congrats for following your dreams and good luck.
I would like to go to some university in future but I just hate studying, I just can't study for longer then 30-60 minutes, whatever it is :/ can't focus good enough :/
Lol, and do you think i can keep focus that long? Do you think i like to study? :D

You just need to force yourself if you really want it. After "mandatory" school i was about to start working because of the reasons u just said, but i would only get random bad jobs, so i decided to take a little course (3 semester long) at a university and i ended up enjoying it, considering i was learning what i wanted. Turns out i ended up doing a Licentiate (equivalent to a Bachelor) and i am now doing the Master degree. And trust me, i hate to study, i always study in the 1 or 2 days before the exams and i can't keep much focus (even if i like what i study). But if i want a good job, i have to do this. It's a little effort who can change my life, plus i enjoy the people i met at university, the environment etc.
well hopefully i will go to good university but I have two more years to do so ;)

but atm im not studying at all because of trainings. maybe i will have to slow down a bit to find time for school. studying only makes sense when you want it and you arent like forced by someone to do it
Yes and no. If i didn't force myself, i would have left school/university and i would be working right now. At the beginning i didn't really wanted it.

When you stop studying, it's hard to go back in shape. Everything is better than study xD
well your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow ;)
QuoteWhen you stop studying, it's hard to go back in shape. Everything is better than study xD

I met a lot of people who worked 2/3/4 years and then came back to studies. They mostly had shit jobs (some of them didn't, they simply didn't like what they had to do) and are now more motivated than any other ~20 years old student.
Once you've been in hell, you do everything to keep your head above water.

So.. I do not agree with you :)
I might have failed to explain my point. For the last 3 years i studied with "after-work" students who have been working for way more than 4 years most of them, and yes they were motivated, they were studying and working at same time

But no matter what they did, normal students were always better, without study so much.
Why? I don't know, i guess they lost their performance over the years.
That's exactly the opposite of what I've had to observe :p
Dunno, as long as I dont have to share em to random nerds on cf I think I am doing good
gratz mate.. what position do you play?? shootingguard? :X

i wish i could have your motivation... ;/
2/3 so it's shooting guard / small forward

motivation comes mostly from my family and also I watch a lot of motivation videos on youtube lol, thats kinda where it started ;)
shouldnt be hard to become best basketball player of poland

My dream is to become an professional athlete (long jump and triple jump). I'm training like 7-8 a week and I'm also in a sport oriented school. My other dream if I have to stop doing athletics is to become a lawyer.
I guess it's kinda out of my range to get to sport school, already tried over 2 years ago and it didin't worked for me, if then I would be on level I am today...who knows ;)

gl with your trainings then :]
Gratz mate.
My dream: Have a 10/10 girl.
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