alexL getting Shredded

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Hellow training people, how does your training go !?

training for what ?
looking good and to be healthy
the stuff you take (watever you take) isnt actually healthy...
strong lightning! but mirin nevertheless
hehe :P
are u still improving ?
yep! bulked up the whole summer and currently cutting at around 100kg @ 188cm and 18% bf
nice, well i have been cutting now for 2 monhts. Got a modeltournament atm that i need to get in shape for :P

I did test my bf today and i was on 8.6% @ 94.4kg
Lånat Melissas linne? När fyller du år? Då ska jag köpa ett linne i din egen storlek. :)
jag har preciss börjat, har bara varit 10 dagar , men fan vad du har blivit stor :)
started again yesterday, losing strenght is gay
ye always boring the loose the strenght, altough i mostly use 8-12 reps now days
squatted 50 kg yesterday, pretty low weight but you gotta start somewhere.
Muscles are so sore!
sums this journal up very well
Beachboys make me laugh.
gj,cant see much,but the mass looks good.
those dumbbells look extremely gay
having muscles dont make u know how to fight so u better combine that training with some fighting because else its useless :) but gj, i dont really do powertraining, just some fitness for condition + natural strenght and mma.
people train just to fight? lol
He is probably polish>.<
why would you wanna be good at figthing anyway?
"having muscles don't make you know how to fight" is the defense of skinny and fat people cos of being jealous.
why would u wanne be good a powerlifting? same question
and steroids make ure dick smaller
you mean that i use steriods or ?

and btw steriods dont make your dick smaller, ( it can even make it grow )
But when using steriods during that time, ur balls gets a bit smaller. But when you go off, it will go back to normal.
Your 2nd sentence just proved my point.
Quotebeing jealous
mirin' alot

how long have you trained?
i think hes training for 3years now
not so very long, but i just started to be kinda serious with the training ^^
in before nerds talk about lifting stuff

all the hate aside alexL, but you are the only one on this site who can legitimately talk about bodybuilding
you know that thanks to 4chan, skinny fag?
maybe hes getting all the hate because he feels the need to show off his muscles like every 2 weeks?
alex, lira?
not bad man

nice, no homo ;)
I started a real gym for the first time last month, been going 1 month 2 weeks and put on 4lbs in muscle, which is a feat for me since I've struggled to gain weight since I was 15 and I'm now 22 >.<.

Any tips of supplements? I've not taken any yet, just 2 protein shakes a couple of weeks ago now, just don't have time for diet due to work.

My max bench before gym was 200lbs at 1 rep, within 2 weeks I was at 4 and now pushing around 8 maybe 7 depending on my mind. I only weigh around 60Kg so the weight ratio is quite a lot.
I dont use that much supplements,

1. Amino Acids, before during and after training. ( bcaa or eaa what u prefer )
2. Sometimes Glutamin
3. Protein ofc, whey and casein ( before bed )
4. Fish oil
5. EAT and SLEEP good then u train good also :)
abit too big for my taste but still better than these skinny nerds browsing this site 24/7!
That was really gay XD
haha true, no homo tho!
youre after a cut arent you?
yes im at 8.6% bodyfat atm @ 94.4kg , need to lose a bit more.

Im in a semi final in a model tournament :P
Looking good.
I'm going steady aswell, here is my pic
image: ImwaitingpatientlytoseetheAfterphoto
wow nice :O ( no homo)
steroid head you would get smacked up you spud.
you look like such a cunt
how much steroids do you take during month??
nothing tbh,

green tea
and cardio

lost 11kg in 2 monhts
well so you are doing great, when i saw your pic i thought that you must take lots of creatine'n'rocket fuel etc shit :D

11kg i 2 months is really good result, i lost 9kg in 2 months but I've only been runnin :)

gl in future
u start looking shit, u should stop it now
Looking good, bit too much though. Loose 5 Kilos and you're good to go, imo. :P
hehe thx ^^
i missed this
Photo's gym journal coming up in 3 2 1 ?
looks good
started lifting a 1,5 month ago, after cutting down with cardio :). Bought my own weights. It's been a while thought, gotta get started again when school begins next week!
nice, training if fun and good :) !
Snagga dig så seru ut som Vin Diesel :D
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is as fun as it can be.
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