Goku's sex tape !!!

Drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrah xfire community!!!

For the ones, who thought this title is for real I have to tell you it's a lie to catch your attention. However, I have some pics of him if it can boost your imagination.

Anyways, first of all I'd like to thank GermanyChief nicon (triple summer medalist) for that amazing birthday journal! I also thank everyone who wished me a happy bird day! I'm 20 now and I have to say I became a image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCv2iJnk_itmB0l7m-gJzOampAbDIHan8jsmGrnndOTPrRUCZrXrKzr95xGQ man now.

Fortunately for you guys, I found time to write a journal and keep this internet website more alive. Also, I know that nerds like Canadamonkey feel sad because they couldnt flame me since I wasn't posting stuffs but w/e eheheheheh.

@et tourney admins :
Europe#follow.et - Professional hardcore addicted computer gaming since 2008 is not satisfied with its prize. Even if the server is pretty decent it's running punkbuster, wtf guys? You'd better not offer anything then!!! I suspect Italygabri22 to be mad at us because we won silver medal against his team :sss Hope things will be ok soon.

@crossfire admins :
I want my 100k hits back, thx

@cf community :
As I won enough medals last summer and my real life is so successful to let me play in a team. I can offer you some shoutcasts. I already have a casting server provided by FranceMOULOUd from #retro.eSports but I think it would be nice to have someone with a good computer to stream it aswell.

Alright, i think this it for today. Here's a french talent coming from my ghetto "les pyramides". He's a very talented actor but also rapper.

As usual, find&fap !!!


Successfully yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis - Quadruple summer medalist

somebody call HBO and give this guy a role.
then uve certainly never read books, it informs us on ur mental state
How can you compare this shit with books
its pure literature
I´m so sorry, I should feel bad.
Quote@et tourney admins :
#follow.et - Professional hardcore addicted computer gaming since 2008 is not satisfied with its prize. Even if the server is pretty decent it's running punkbuster, wtf guys? You'd better not offer anything then!!! I suspect gabri22 to be mad at us because we won silver medal against his team :sss Hope things will be ok soon.

PB on? I told you to contact me if something was wrong with the server.
Send me a message on irc when you are online.
aie aie aie
hey its a very good music :)
way too long
all the girls say that about my penis aswell

For the ones, who thought this title is for real I have to tell you it's a lie to catch your attention.
stopped reading there.
:s u homosex man?
nice read, gl with casting
je te pete les chevilles facon roi heenok t'entends?

Brrr brr brrrr.

See what i did there?
Yes, for the guys that are wondering.

This is where he stole my pretty face from.
rofl chill out, didnt want to offend u
no need to reply to me everywhere :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Sorry baby. I thought it was Crossfire. <3
only 20 comments with a quarter from you, man u suck
21, or is that now 22 ;)
maybe but i dont post comments on saturday nights :s my life is too successful for that :SS
I have read plenty of books. tl.dr. This journal certainly confirms your mental state.
this journal seems to be about nothing, like every former journal of your's.
you've got it, its a nice way for me to be entertained by nerds like u when im bored
peace :)
who are you calling a geek, geek? go be boring someplace else.
i said nerd not geek, kinda different y'know :s
which are you then?
hey bro, cool journal men
maybe load a config? Global6 should disable pb...
I got here through an image... Who is that in that picture?!?!?
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