Loekinos big questions of life #1

Once i saw on TV a show with the lady named Cher, she is some psychic and speaks with the dead. This one specific episode was live and it had family of some famous murdered politicus.
The psychic lady cher told him that it wasnt a 1 man job but it was way bigger than he would think it is, The host went kinda nervous and said "No this is not true" or something in that order.
And then the comercial break came.
In this block there was the news program that would start after the Cher show and they instantly said "Murder on famous politicus not a single man job more news after the cher show!".

After the comercials there was no word in the show about this and cher now claimed it was just 1 man and in the news show after they didnt say shit about it either.

Some examples that i found dodgy:

Strauss kahn case - also raped people then suddenly when his career was raped(haha wordplay so funny) it all kinda blew over and no proof was given or found

Assange rape - I mean comeon...

Megaupload guy - Giving power to artists is wrong apparently

Every land leader that wanted to change to gold currency got taken of its place too

Also kinda strange that america wanted all of the above in their countries.

Dont get me wrong, im not into that illuminati stuff but you cant say that some strange stuff is happening around us.

Now i am just wondering what you guys think about these kind of situations. Do you believe in manipulation through media or do you think its good for the bigger public to keep some things hidden?
What does that mean??
Took Long Sad Cunt
too lazy; yet commented
sc = yt?
wtf :D :pp
starcraft = youtube? no
you said it lmfao :D
jaymod or 2.55?
does that mean yes?
haha no :p nice try faggot: D
are you really showing off with this question of life or are you dumb duck duck go dot loekino
dont be mad seareal that i called you dumb like donkey herpes.. i was hungry and grumpy and stuff

still spoken with truth tho
watch out, M.J. fans already shouting.

denk laat ik eens een leuke vraag stellen op CF wat een beetje algemeen is en dan krijg ik er nog niets op. Mijn leven heeft geen zin meer fritsie, logisch dat het hier zo dood is als iq level searealgoku is ::D:(
ik denk dat je verder moet denken en moet accepteren dat zij niet beter kunnen maar dit wel proberen.
Op elke vraag zijn er meerdere antwoorden mogelijk hoe krom je zieke gezonde geest ook is.

Dat is het leuke van getypte verhalen
Ik vind het soms moeilijk te accepteren :( Ook wil ik al die antwoorden horen want vraag me best af wat mensen hier nou over vinden en/of ik niet helemaal ben doorgedraaid @_@
snap goed dat je verder wil, en dat de antwoorden aan bepaalde eisen moeten voldoen anders is het niet meer interessant voor je.
denk dat iedereen is doorgedraaid alleen zijn de meeste er niet van bewust.
Is maar goed ook anders was iedereen depressief omdat die gek was geworden
WTC were made up
weapons training centre
also some dodgy things there yeah, like knowing wtc 7 would collapse before it even did was kinda strange @_@
money and power.
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