Goldorak for president!

just watching queens v ofcofc on GTV. queens bashing them ,as expected really..... THEN, Goldorak comes on the server, declares the game is stopped, ofcofc are removed from cb and kicks them off the server....WHY?

cos they were using subbakk, some polish busted nerd with loads of duplicate accounts :D oh how i laughed. thing is, he was shit anyway and they were getting raged, queens didnt want the forfeit :(

still, well done Goldo :D
sw1ruz and promen getting a ban too? for playing with a busted cheater`?
rules are rules! :D
That rule is not used anymore.
You wrong, this rules is still in use

@ stray : ban request on promen for adding an active cheater on his team, hes the CL and atm only CL can be banned.
Still on talking for sw1ruz
and again more and more players gettin banned thanks to this guy... Fuckin amazing. Still hopin i'll get unban :P
the rule is there for adding banned player to clan and that's for CL
and what happen here ? CL added a banned player on his clan....
I'm not going to write about it here, since cheaters might abuse the way around this shit, but the rule is not working as you say it and again you're being a moron
look who's talking
You are and not sure why since you're obviously wrong and spraying bullshit all over the place like you always do -.-
you want to have the latest words, ok you win
he's CL, he add a banned player on his team, ban request entered thats the most important. kthxbb
will be denied according to C&A chief :)
since january some CL was banned after adding active cheaters
check those bans again and see why + I know at least 20 CL's that were not banned
short exemple :

Cheat type : Adding a suspended player
Description : Allowing banned players to return in his clan cid=21516xx by setting the join password


Cheat type Adding a suspended player
Description adding suspended player

Proves my point actually.
good decision
was a good decision but could have let veiwers see them get bashed @ deli aswell.
Never seen anything like that since ive played ET 8 years =d
idd mate, was a new one on me too :D funny as fuck though....
aye m8.. :D was a laugh, these dirty polags cant even put up a fight with busted nerds
yeh , they should be banned
goldy did the right thing
not this subakk shit again
September 28
00:20 Removed member(s) hawello
September 22
22:02 Added member(s) hawello
gg no EC for sw1ruz
yeah and also ban wllko and promen for playing with him,we all know that wilko/promen "knew"who hawello is :D
nope , im stoned 24/7
idd, his brain is like a barbecue.

he has no iq anymore dood, cannot ban him eventho someone told him "hey he is subaak" he couldnt remember after 2 mins
played him couple of hours before, obvious as fuck ;P
Well done, finally a good decision :D
the first good decision of goldoshit
valve forever key winner
Well done
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