afternoon & chicks

heya people, long time no see :O how is it going on this wonderful saturday? i woke up early, smoked a bit, did some soloQ image: soloq and soon going to make a meal. how's about you people? have you got any plans for weekend, not yet, or already hangovered and wasted from friday like my beloved Estonia duNzy? the reason am typing this is pretty simple, i want to share with some random chicks in memory of former boss aka Germany RazZaH who stopped posting those on weekly basis :< i started collecting to help our buddy back in glorious days when xfire was still v.3 and sun was shining brighter. however with the new version which didn't help at all when it comes to popularity and active contributing, i decided to share with the best ones i got to make your days and say hi to old friends. i've chosen like 14 out of 142, this journal contains everything you people could ask for: asian chicks, chicks with spliff, chicks with weed in kitchen even, random but tough cat, painting, fashion style (perhaps not everywhere) and cute smiles. the only one thing i decided to skip are random flags in the bottom. it wouldn't fit below shoutouts, even though its very oldschoolish ^.^

image: 55275313
image: 52503541
image: 91469044
image: 18054152
image: 43532477
image: 16796576
image: 31214804
image: 81238489
image: 92110580
image: 75534591
image: 32757298
image: 72350277
image: 88653875

image: 27529459

image: 5xuf8

shoutouts to Estonia schnee, United Kingdom Pansy, Poland bv corp. & Europe dev brotherhood!
Name of the 8th girl with green eyes? My penis wants to meet her pussy.
real mens doesnt play support
bbut... i love leona :( its my most played pick and all she needs is some sexy skin :>
i rather play fiddlestick support than leona :d
Huge hangover, this journal was the thing I needed, thanks !
tas encore touché au panaché?
Champomy cette fois ci :s
second chick... instaboner
lol you alive :O? come irc maybe old channel :D?
i dont have irc bro :)
Parent or whatsoever mate, no slowmotion there i think he's dead 8D
where you at?!
yeah previous hosting got some probs with chrome, it is working now sry for delay.
no problem, it worked after refreshing, chicks were great ;)
nice collection oO'
propsy dla PE
less face, more ass pls
isn't the face the most intriguing part of the women beauty?
6th has fucked up teeth rofl lol poor west european girl aking porn movies to get money
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