Tosspot "prize" for best content

I think Tosspot should sort out the prizes he is due to the TOP ET teams before he starts making new contests for Prizes.
No one has recieved anything from BFB1 or BFB2
Delete this journal again admins but im doing the right thing.
No one stands up and says whats actually killing ET
Bad Admins/Razer not forfilling there promises is the very reason.
He could of tried to explain to us whats happening but doesnt even have a spare 5 mins for that.
I'm far from mad.
BFB has been a great compertition both times.
Tosspot , Baggiez and some other admins made it great!
Just a pitty the prize part is always a let down :\
TosspoT can't do anything about prices :) Contact razer for them.
Hes the admin, he should of sorted it all out i guess, maybe he tried to and they failed, but i still heard nothing
Don't blame TosspoT, cause he didn't have any prices at hes place, Razer was sponsor and say'd they gonna ship them out. So TosspoT can't do anything about it. You should be happy about that you could take part of that tournament.
Why should i be happy to take part in a tournament? That doesnt live up to the promises?
you are right about that, but look at it this way, ET is kinda DEAD and TosspoT did hes best with tournament and all players had fun! Don't blame him about prices? Cause RAZER is that part which can't keep up with promises.
I see where you come from.
But Tosspot told me last lan that the prizes where sorted and they would all be sent to lan to avoid lots of shipping charges? Why would he say that if Razer where sending them? Not him paying anything?
Don't know anything about that part, so can't speak about it ( Giving out them on LAN )

But yeah, he should be more aggressive towards razer about prizes :)
what he could do is talk with Razer and get to know the status on prize shipment, then pass the verdict on to the teams so they know what to expect.
I dont understand how this things work. How do you organize such events?

You get the sponsors, make clear contracts where everything is very transparent and very positive, than you get the players promising them the prize, and because you actually have a powerfull contract you can keep the promises you make to players?

Or, you take advantage of certain privilegies you have among the comunity ,organise some event promising the players the sky and the sea, without having anything to back it up and than you just raise your shoulders up when people come at you and ask: Hey, where s my money?
You can promise all sort of stuff. Can't actually blame TosspoT for not giving out prices, hes sports man and he trusted razer but they didn't give it out. Don't also think they had any contract :)
no contract,no trust.this is how bussiness works.if u are a good pro moter,a good organiser u know this basic stuff that even a 5 year old kid knows.
I know that but yeah, can't say anything 100% sure that he had any contract or not, Probably he didn't have any. If he had then all would be ok.
so that makes him bad pro moter.but it happends that i know the truth.i know how he thinks and what exactly he cares off.
For that we need to wait for hes replay.
He already replied .Razz never saw anything of the prizes.That s his reply.You make contest , you dedicate yourself in organising somehting, you make some promises.
You dont keep the promises.that s the most sad thing in the world when u make a promise you can t keep.
why are you blaming tosspot for prizes? I think it's pretty clear that prizes are not going over him, I'm pretty sure it's Razer which is sending them so rather blame them, not the guy who makes possible (only) quality tournament there is for such ungreatful community like this :D
I'm pretty sure TosspoT, being a known name in esports and even working for own3d at the moment, could put some pressure on razer and make them send the prizes. I'm not sure why he hasn't but it's kinda ridiculous these teams are still waiting for their prizes.
there has been a sponsorship contract with razer which has not been completed yet.
who else than the organization of the tournament is responsible for contacting razer about its dues?
what ever the circumstances, its ridiculous to say tosspot has no responsibility at all about the prizes!
I do agree he has some sort of responsibility since he was the 1st person for this project, but doing it like this over random journal with unclear circumstances and acting like he robbed all the players is kinda ridicolous.
I dont think Tosspot robbed anyone, The reason i made the journal is because i think nothing will get done about it.
Ive tried to message Tosspot a few times and really no answer at all - So i made the journal.
I would just like the rest of ET to know that we never really get what we are promised? Is that a problem really?
Not a problem at all, but I'm pretty sure your post could have been written in a slightly better way.
did I win BFB as well? if so I also want prizes!
BFB1: no prizes
BFB2: you came 3rd, so you get a razer mouse bungee (?!)

image: imag0127e
I think Nuggan came 4th in the second one
if so then he gets no prizes! :D
When we won the first one, it says prizes where to be announced :D so i guess nothing again
queens finished second, fin6 third, mpg fourth
yeah noticed that now :)
I don't mind giving my mouse bungee to charity, the games were prize enough for me.
for a noname like me it was an honour.
nuggan be on tonight? :(
well said tbh

but it aint just ET, still aint got monies from brink yet
it's all a conspiracy man

tosspot & esl chillin @ penthouse in jacuzzi with razer deathadder, mouse bungees and $10k
but that doesn t mean i can t keep u online for 10 hours like i did with simon kinsler.

surely tosspot would appreciate (not) some people oppinion that the common interes don t always fit his own.

and yet i can not admire some people loyalty ,and think about real life ,presidents and stuff,i see some similar things.
Oh, you actually made me smile. That is a long long time ago on this site :D
dunno how your legal system works, but in AMERICA (best country evur), you'd be owed the money plus interest at this point cause of dat time value o' money and shit.
No, u dont get shit anywhere, not even the almighty US & A, u signup for the lan/cup whatever and u do agree the esl rules and shit, u click [x] once u register and after that u sit in the corner waiting for getting what u win
welcome to the ESL!
esl is known for that
but it aint just ET, still aint got monies from brink yet

Remember u being so "IT HAS TO BE PAID IN 3 MONTHS" after lan

where the fuck is ur 3 months now :----D
true that
so if Anexis got prizes from my one day cup, does that make me better than TosspoT? :XD
loool 10/10
yeah you're a hundred times better
when toss would be a complete dick like you, yes
So, this has nothing to do with the journal, but I sent you a friend request on facebook, please accept.
Thanks for accepting, now that I've actually read the journal, I bow to you, as that journal is probably the best thing I've read here for a while now. Would vote for you to save ET.
Gl with EC+otherstuff mate.
he's probably laughing his balls off and is like "deal with it"
who let this garden gnome lookin mothafucka use a computer
there isnt a single good admin anymore, neither on clanbase and so on crossfire...
all the admins are selfish retards who doesnt care about any problems of others... and thats why et is dead!
fuck you sir :D
No, ET is dying because of people like you.

The vast majority of admins who run leagues and cups for the community do so on a purely voluntary basis, i.e they don't get paid. They don't have to do this, they do this so players like yourself for instance, can enjoy the competitive aspect of the game.

Now, if you don't like the way things are run, or think you can do it better, I suggest you go and apply to be an admin. Then and only then you will see how demoralising and frustrating it is to be flamed by kids who's only contribution to this community are these pathetic sniping replies on random forum topics.
the cb admins "are" selfish! u cant abnegate it!
u got 2 options if u pm somebody of the cb guys
1st: they doesnt even respond
2nd: they dont care about and flame u

im playin et since 2003 and its the truth, that the admins of nowdays couldnt be worse in comparison to the old admins...

oh wait, they do a good job in banning people, cuz et is dead becuz of banning noncheating people...
didn't you get a motorbike already?
you buy motorcyclings, i buy bot
don't you lie to me!
On the one hand i agree with you that it is sad, that you dont get your promised prizes, eventho you shouldnt blame only tosspot for that. It isnt only his fault, but he is responsible for it imo. He could have at least informed you about the case.

On the other hand people shouldnt play ET just for the prizes. I mean some players are maybe more skilled than others, but that doesnt make them something special. You shouldnt think that ET is only fun, if there are prizes. You should either play it for fun, or stop playing it imo.
why does this matter?
do you honestly still paly this old game cause of prizes you feel like winning?
be glad there is people around willing to organize tournaments.
i doubt ET is being killed by you not receiving a mouse bungee.
didnt know ppl played this game only because of prizes, bit sad tbh
TosspoT keeps prizes and sells them mostly to sirscoots then they do this in their eSports mansions while touching each others mouse bungees

image: NClEY

killing eSports together
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