practicing video editing

I've done some Non-gaming stuff but I'd like to practice with some video editing for fragmovies/fragclips and since I like ET I want to do this with ET clips/moments :)

If anyone's got any decent frags around that are just rotting away in your demos folder feel free to send me a downloadlink as a reply or as pm. Would be nice if u inform me when the frag is so I dont have a buttload of demo to go through first.... Dont care about skill, could be a frag from 6th division OC as long as its team vs team with clantags its good!

Kind regards,
Rémy Gaillard? :D
Did you know he played ET years ago?
well,why would u want to know when the frag is , when ppl can send them to you already cut ??? :S
Cause some people dont know how to use cutting software and those might send full lenght demos ;) i can cut them myself if i feel the need to
got some CUT demos, let me know if you want them
what a bullshit reply, he is asking for demos why should he contact you again to say that he wants demos? kinda redundant?
i wont send them if he wont use them ;x but after i read my comment i thought the same what you wrote lol ;d
like you are helping??? you are nerd who is noob and bad rifle, you dont know anything about world and life, you are educated badly and your parents are not proud of you. You are also poor and you only get ugly women. Your friends always make fun of you and beat you up everyday, you are bad in everything you try to do and you should stop commenting. You are also very slow at running and swimming, your football kicks are weak like womens vagina, you are not very popular at university either and there are many people who dont like you, maybe go away and live in north korea? stop feeding at dota also ... bad player

you are educated badly

you are not very popular at university either

Made me smile.
lol true, it's neither*
fuk forgot to highlight that
mant speaks truth again :\
GL with it! : )
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