Help :(

I get an error when updating TZAC, when I open TZAC, it downloads gamemod.tzac update or whatever, and when finished downloading it says it failed with libCURL error code 18.

It then goes onto say that "Will try to open previous version of tzac" blahblah
Tzac opens, I click start game, then another error and it closes. gg.

People whining and egoquitting from wars because I have no tzac
I've tried reinstalling etcetc still no luck


e: my antivirus has nothing to do with it, I've already tried it with it off
Pff those damn peopol who think u cheat meeeen ;((((
I think the problem is that you get an error when updating TZAC, when you open TZAC, it downloads gamemod.tzac update or whatever, and when finished downloading it says it failed with libCURL error code 18.

It then goes onto say that "Will try to open previous version of tzac" blahblah
Tzac opens, You click start game, then another error and it closes. gg.

People whining and egoquitting from wars because I have no tzac
try reinstalling etcetc, but probably no luck
Well I guess your work here is done.
A friend got same problem, it was due to his bitdefender antivirus.
If u have AVG (2012), just open it, and turn OFF link scanner. if you have other anti-virus programs, try to QUIT it.
whitelist/exceptions or just turn on game mode
Haha, hacks, I always knew you were on them
yeah gg cheater
tzac so gut
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