my finances + excel

I wonder if anyone is "managing" his finances in excel? I really want to get an overview every few months on how much I spent in certain categories (car,motorbike,house,clothes,...............) and how much of it could actually be "safed".

I checked out quite a few of those financing apps:
MS Money

but they all have some problems with my bank or are just pain in the ass to work with.
So I thought about creating an excel sheet where I import my .csv files from my banking account and then add each transaction to some category (e.g. car, or salary or what ever) and then create some diagrams/statistics.

Any previews or ideas or smth I could use to start with?


@edit: my biggest problem right now is how to "import" the new .csv files without losing the old one + it's changes.
oh please, im just back from school.. did this 3 hours in a row and now you´re posting this on cf :((
Help the poor man

well I found this on google:

seems to be nice but I hoped I could just simply import the .csv file from my bank. Instead I would now have to write all the income/expenses by hand.
yep, im doing it with hand to on school. Mine's more business focused though.

It's kinda easy to do, you just need to get in to it :D
Financing apps? Just use Excel bro. I also post my finances on an excel sheet.
just give me ur bank account number, il make u a werry rich man
Your banks system probably only allows downloading data, as opposed to uploading it, as your trying to achieve. This is for security reasons.

Just make a spreadsheet with ins outs and a comments box.

One minus the other, drag formula down, entries will auto fill.

Use a starting balance (salary)

A the end of the month, you'll be left with a balance. Minus from opening balance, is your expendable income.

Highlight the wastes, and cut them out.
pretty much what I am doing right now.

Although I want it a bit more detailed.

One sheet per month and a "total" sheet. All connected with each other.
Excel is pretty easy to use. I used it in my bachelor dissertation quite a bit to forecast company profits.
Solution: Dont spent anything.
Access is fine if it comes to creating a database however with the amount of data you have Excel should be fine.
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