Lan car ride

Trying one more time...
Need car ride from enschede to dusseldorf weeze airport(or as close as possible to there), preferably on monday morning(flight @ 11:20), but could go on sunday night after lan is over. Could give some money for gas as well!

edit:If not car ride, maybe someone can get me some discount on train tickets, if that's even possible?
Which team you going with? :O
We haven't signed up yet. But lineup is me, night, freeze, koop, abort, sally.
Be quick, son. Gotta pay/send proof of payment before Sunday ends!
Can i send my payement share individually to u ?
Shouldn't be a problem since it's from UK bank to UK bank I assume? We only get charged on international transfers (£7).
So i guess it's cheaper if I pay the whole amount.
lol freeze :D

he is really on his way to recovery, isnt he ?

few months ago he was just playing random 2on2/3on3s as merc :D without caring the skill
check facebook mesge
Not got one from you.
This Sunday will be last day you'll be able to pay?
Why did only 7 teams pay so far :-(
I don't know. 6 of those were during the early bird period.
Can you respond soon please. So I know if I can go :)
ask buzzer, we'll just ditch vjto and take you instead hehehe :P
Asfar as i know you can only get discount if you travel in NL
you can get db discounts, at least bremen-enschede-bremen was about 50% off for a group of 6.
your mom gives me discounts, that filthy whore.
Think I might be able to pick you up.
if i would go to lan i could pick u up but i doubt that bsturz will go to lan with this lu :/
why not :(
swani, vokki and sly :(

jesse,btw and ercan backstabbed our lan team
take others !
Not passing dusseldorf. If anyone needs to go to eindhoven airport let me know though, might be able to give you a lift.
I heard exceed is avi to take 3 ppl with in his car, ask him
need sunroof that opens cos your lanky ass can't fit inside any car?
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