Wednesday morning blues

Today has to be the slowest day in history. Here are some random thoughts:

- Bayern lost 3-1 to BATE - Razzah are we agreed that Bayern suck?
- IKEA is a horrible shopping experience
- Do you know how many shades of White paint there are in the world? Its ridiculous
- Last weeks Modern Family episode might have been the best yet!
- Boardwalk Empire - Should I get into this show?

S'all I got for you.
Random Youtube of Joy:
IKEA has awesome and cheap hot-dogs though :D
why hate ikea?
that's my question!
5 Euro and its yours
I went there last night to buy my new Kitchen - could I buy it? No. First I waited 20 minutes after taking the 'quick sale' ticket, apparently Quick Sale is not for those that want to make a Quick Sale, so then I had to take another ticket. Go through 30 minutes of discussion about my kitchen which I had already carefully pre-planned. Then I had to place the order in 3 parts because its not all ready and then I have to go back next Monday (cancelling my monday night football!) to order for it to be delivered next Tuesday, I cannot order today or yesterday for it to be delivered next Tuesday.

Very annoying.
Parent way better with cheaper hot-dogs
That's the problem, you tried to buy a kitchen. Ikea sell furniture, not rooms.

Didn't your house come with a kitchen??
a crap one, having the whole house renovated. Will be a full picture journal when complete!
You'd have to ask my wife if my kitchen is good.
Expecting an MTv cribs style video!
I'm not posting pictures. That's awful vain.
- /
- IKEA is cool to walk through
- No, how much?
- Never seen it
- Never heard about that

Have a nice day :)
Boardwalk Empire is one of the best drama serie at the moment
- Agreed
- More of a Wickes person, cos its got their name on it!
- No but I know there's 50 shades of grey.
- Isn't that just a Malcom in the middle rip off?
- I'm also thinking of watching it!
wow lots of witty resposnes!
Quote- Boardwalk Empire - Should I get into this show?

BATE are just that good
someone is a grumpy panda. At least you don't work at the council.
Boardwalk Empire is great!
pick a better series
dont hate on ikea!
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