i fucking hate man city
3 Oct 2012, 22:22
those little whiny cunts can only score with a unfair penalty.. bullshit.
also what the fuck was that when our player got injured and you fucking nigs just kept playing. you disgust me city (they had fucking 2(!!!) english people on the field) go play in some gay ass arab country you shitheads destroy football
also what the fuck was that when our player got injured and you fucking nigs just kept playing. you disgust me city (they had fucking 2(!!!) english people on the field) go play in some gay ass arab country you shitheads destroy football
pls die
obligatory tits
Welcome to football all over the world and in every competition.
It was soooo nice to see your player came straight back on the pitch and had no problem after that. I must admit that is was a bit unsporting of City not to put the ball out of play but I would like to see more teams do this and it may discourage FAKE injuries and rolling around on the pitch like they have just been hit by one of Kamz body shots.
For your info, not that you care, I am a Manchester United fan and support all English teams while playing in Europe ect. Go figure !
> defending Man City
what the fuck is wrong with you
Not a lot really, I just appreciate good football and fair play, yeah football and fair play, not soccer ;)
MarioLAD Balotelli @MarioBaloteLAD
sitting on the bench, playing Angry Birds on Carlos Tevez 's iPad...hoping to complete Level 39 before I come on for Dzeko.
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