Adroits Lan or not?

just 7 teams signed up so far.
Lan is in 2 weeks.....
Are there any teams who will pay until Sunday?
If not, will is still take place with 7 teams???
If I'm right, there's 3 teams paying this week.
deV and Clown's team soon to pay :x probably last ET lan in Europe so shut up and go
Cu you there Robaciek.
no can do Niels
ok im coming
"Last ET Lan", wat

Next year new LAN and I guess more will come, since the last LAN was a half year ago. 1 Lan per year would be the best
new LAN like what?
Who is going to host it?
I don't know, I hope Seanza :P
I haven´t spoken with him but I doubt it, last lan he didn´t get 16 teams and now nearly 10.... eventough he´s awesome I don´t think he can find the effort for it.
Well it was kinda expected to not have more than 12 teams but still, I hope that there will be another LAN maybe even hosted by crossfire, what tosspot wanted to do actually.
He can keep on doing those mix LANS ( CS, QL, COD, .. )
"Next year new LAN and I guess more will come"

Because all out of nothing the activity in ET will raise itself again next year and money will be magically be made available to host a lan? It's only getting worse from now on unless something big happens, he can keep going on with mixed lans yes, but eventually ET will drop out of that anyway, because I don't think he's gonna save some spot for ET if there's only 4 teams avi (although, eseries was only 6 teams or so also :P)
dev gnna pay up today
Yeah new achievement in my profile, top10 Adroits LAN and OC Prem player.
kom jij nu nog iedereen steken op lan of niet? :X
Daar is Tom veel te lief voor
Idd ^^ xoxo
Neeje, komen te weinig mensen om t te zien...
how many ppl are coming anyway? estimate
We will be doing a team
n1 :D

cu there =)
I'll be there, being a witness to the last ET-LAN taking place in a first world country.
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