's gone

Hey there!

For the last week now, I slept about 16 hours in total. Was not even nerding at all.

I just handed in my Master thesis in Chemistry about "Synthetic Studies towards Glycosylated Congeners of Gelsemiol"
In case somebody wants to read it, be my guest! This thing almost made me puke at some time, because I was so afraid that I won't make it until the deadline.

How was your day?

I feel relieved now!
Now I am off for some drinks!

Good for you :) topic seems fucked up though :D
Interested, give link by pm please.
Gratz. When I handed in my thesis, it was great feeling and we all went to pub to celebrate!
as if you studied
congratulation for the 3rd time mate<333333333333333
and same what francis wrote!
enjoy ur sparetime now
I feel you bro :( Gotta hate this kind of stress..

My Master started 2 weeks ago and i am already on the edge. 3 works to deliver within 1.5 weeks, plus i am busy at morning because i am teaching a Medic (some basic IT stuff). Time goes fast...

But one thing is certain, i sleep like a baby usually :D

Gl with the thesis result
Just woke up, slept for 16.5 h. Every day just sleeping and watching how my life flushes away.
so depressing
Yeap, i'm thinking of a suicide - maybe nail gun to the forehead or ice pick up the ear.
So interesting!!

The freedom, you can do whatever you want! Seems inspiring to me!
i wouldnt be able to live like this for longer than a week
Responsibility kills me :D I rather be free and do whatever i want. Of course i wouldn't stay doing nothing for long time, my mind would always fill my time with sports / coding / interesting projects!
I would like to read it :)
not worth it, its bad.
I've never read a master thesis in anything before, just wanna read for my own curiosity :P
you probably wouldn't even understand it.
Don't insult my intelligence, thanks
i insult whatever the fuck i want.
Good for you
QuoteSynthetic Studies towards Glycosylated Congeners of Gelsemiol

whats that
learn to adderall
No nerding,almost puking before a fkn exam can be called as nerding.
but good u feel relieved now.
gratz mate :DD
sure - give link :)

and grats - sleep for 2 days now!! :d
hmm have to write thesis for masters.. lets write something on Synthetic Studies towards Glycosylated Congeners of Gelsemiol

thatll do
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