bored at work quiz

If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?

a) 25%
b) 50%
c) 60%
d) 25%
100%/4 questions = 25% i guess?
You either get it right or you get it wrong. 50% obviously.
Like the greatest ski jumper of all time, Matti Nykänen said, the chances are 50/60.
you are all stupid above me
Simple. If we use Einstein's theory of e=mc^2 we find out that in a very high speed (also apply for low speed but hard to measure) , a Mass turns into Energy and vise versa. The conversion rate is C2 (C square). Now if Kim Kardashian hadn't been fucking Kanye, he wouldn't have stopped Taylor Swift from talking on the mic which led to dignitas beating rockit on frostbite during the cc5 lan. But of course everything changes, since the theory is squared that only makes the occurrence of a random answer being correct 25%. However that's what the fool would have picked because everyone knows that you can never have sex in the morning, so the answer is b.
I really didn't understand this at all, as a matter of fact, you never asked the question. You merely asked what are the odds of answering a question correctly without telling us what the question or the answer(s) are.

If you meant to ask what are the odds of answering a question right with four possible answers from a to d (25%,50%,60%,25%). If the correct answer is 25%, the actual percentage is 50%. if the correct answer is 50% or 60%, the actual percentage is 25%.
None of the answers are correct imo, probably around 33% would be my guess.
If you choose an answer to this question at random, what is the chance you will be correct?

This is the key, it's random so it doesn't matter what the answers are therefore 25%.
I actually googled this question after I had posted my answer. 33% is the correct answer.

felt good getting it right.
Well it's the point of view. if you see A & D as the same answer that would leave 3 opitions therefore your 33% but 33% is not the list so your change of getting 33% is 0% so the answer is 0%? anyway link to your google hit?
Yeah well, there seems to be a lot of questions about the phrasing of that sentence, whether it's multiple choice or not. I considered it as not a multiple choice question, 33% will be the correct percentage. Of course this whole thing is a paradox as the question itself wasn't stated (well it could just as well have been "what is the name of my dog", try guessing that you fuckers D:).

Anyhow, I thought of the problem the same way as Luke, and left out the retarded phrasing that the question was never brought up.
Yeah I went through all the options aswell as I said a matter of how you look at the question. Thanks for the source!
Well I'm gonna rephrase it once more, noticing that my previous explanation was a bit unclear.

I see it as we don't know the question, we know one of the answers to be correct (A,B,C or D).
As A=D, the question is that what are the odds of picking a right answer out of 3 possible candidates (A,B or C). Obviously the odds are 1/3.

Yet again, it all depends how you want to understand the question.
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