The Other Dream Team

Any of you watched this already?
Is there anyone with a proper version to download?
"The incredible story of the 1992 Lithuanian basketball team" - Gotta admit that doesn't sell it to me!
... whose athletes struggled under Soviet rule, became symbols of Lithuania's independence movement, and - with help from the Grateful Dead - triumphed at the Barcelona Olympics.
James Bond is a story of triumph over evil, why not just watch that instead?
Because James Bond is a nice story but is fantasy. This is on the other hand, reality. You should check it sometimes
because the Lithuanian had/have a great team who deserve some recognition.
also, Ive seen enough James Bond movies already
also, what nonpardone said
also, global interest
"basketball" in it, gotta watch!
i'm planing to watch this movie in near future :P i belive it's only one from known basketball movies that i didn't watched.
dunno about this one :P
And that one made me cry :{
That one was really cool!
A lot of things don t sell for you unfortunatelly. That s cause you think you are so incoruptible , but in fact i suspect you are just pure heartless. Probably the only thing that sells to you is your only interes. So much ego you have in your personality, is like a second voice you have.
The value of someone's moral preaching when hiding behind anonymity the internet? 0
There is no anonymity of myself to you, as your quality of administrator here access you unlimited information about me. And i suspect for nobody as my name is very transparent even if is in another language than the one we speak right now.

I got morale , regardless of what you think about me. I told you something on our last chat on irc, and is the truth. And you know it. Fact : you are just mad at me for those anti -Tosspot journals I made calling you a homosexual and some other stuff I don t recall. I appologize, i was over limits , no doubts. However, I still think you are a stone cold heart bastard
who are you then
I learnt after my first comment that its unforgiven
Yeah, I read his 2nd comment to you, normally his english is pretty poor. When I read his first comment I came to that conclusion aswell, didnt read it before commenting.

"Check yourself before you wreck yourself" they say...
I thaught you checked my ip :D , I mean I would have done it this way, but we are going off topic and I don t want that.

I m still interested in your oppinion , why the real life struggle of a sport team is less attractive to you ,than a fantasy character ? Isn t this remember you of someone else struggle to put e-sports on the righteous place?
I watched Young Lebron James docu ;)
You betta check yo'self befo you wreck yo'self, you betta check yo'self befo you riggidy wreck yo'self!

One two chekka! Microphone chekka! Watch me wrecka on the microphone! Riggidy-bum rhymes comin' down the pipeline stickin' up brothas up and down the lifeline. One two chekka! Microphone chekka!

Brrrrrr, stick-um! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stick-um! Brrrr, stick-um! Ha! Ha! Ha! Stick-um!

What y'all youngbloods know about that, huh?! What?!

Thanks for the e-threat, I will take it as an irony .

p.s. When i was listening this song you was still learning your dutch language first words like mami and daddy i m hungry ,feed me.
instead? why cant I just watch both
great watch, thanks!
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