Playstation 4 or Xbox 720

image: playstation-4-xbox720

That the current generation of consoles has already passed the peak knows everyone. Many players are waiting for Microsoft and Sony finally bring the Xbox 720 and PlayStation 4 to the market and thereby catch up with the much nicer PC versions of multiplatform titles. A bad side effect is that many developers have had in regard to the console version, the PC version slim down a bit. Everyone wants finally the Xbox 720 or PlayStation 4 games on the same level of graphic and game experience. Unfortunately, there is not an official release date fixed at the moment.

For which of the two consoles you would interest you? What new games would you most looking forward?

kauf dir beide, dann zieh ich dich wieder in FIFA ab :D
im just a dreeeeaaamer, i dream my live away uu yeah
Playstation 3 is so much better then xbox 360 so i think id just stick with playstation. +the new metal gear solid like it could be the best game ever.
playstation cause i kinda grew up with that in my house and never really liked xbox games cause it felt a bit arcade for me
i just get the one that got the games i like or if i got the money ill get both :D
Playstation. Always.
Hopefully those won't be released in any time soon.
not going for the new Wii U release then? hehe, might be fun?

release date around the 30th of November, not too far away!
as long as fifa and street fighter are on PC I see no reason to buy a console ever again, dreamcast 2 would be nice though
i loved the dreamcast!!!!!
best console ever, when dreamcast died, console gaming in general died imo :D
Sega Saturn > Dreamcast :|
PS4, but not at the time it comes out, maybe 1 year later or so lol.
For graphics I'll take my pc and most games will be available for ps3 still anyway.
Laptop & mouse+keyboard / xbox controller

Cheaper (/free) games, more mobile, better graphics
ps4 = 4k = 4*better than HD !

PS4 ! ps4 ! ps4 !

(buy new TV 2500€ for 4k resolution :d)
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