Generic LAN journal

So guys and gals, it's that time of year again! Another LAN has come around, and very soon since the last one! Funny though, how people complain there are not enough LANs per year, and then when there are more there's a, to say the least, disappointing expected attendance. :[

How many more teams do you think will pay up by Sunday? Currently 8 have, #devastation just paid "[19:23] <@dev`Otyg> dev`Tw1zZt dev`hsTE ehamo payment is done :)", United KingdomKamz has a team apparently that will be paying soon, hopefully some more will at last minute and we can make it into a decent weekend of gaming!

With less than 2 weeks to go I've finally sorted out everything, and I'm quite excited (lol nerd). It'll be my first time going to LAN so it will be nice to finally meet and have a drink with people I've known for a few years!

I am departing from my house on the night of the 16th to potty's house, staying over and early in the morning we will leave to pick up United KingdomKamz, United KingdomMerlinatoR and his brother, to then take the ferry and drive to Enschede :) I shall be staying in the Eden hotel with United KingdomMerlinatoR and his brother, United Kingdomcrumbs and possibly United KingdomKamz, so no BelgiumGoku to rape me which is always a plus.
Can't wait to meet up with my dev bros, NetherlandsIronic, NetherlandsTw1zZt and NetherlandsOtyg <3 Gonna be so fun and gamings will be had, not sure how my performance on LAN will be though, serious pressure etc :S

So who else is coming, whether you're playing, coming to spec, or just to drink and mingle? I look forward to meeting you guys that are anyway! Don't be too scared/shy and not say hi :|

Hope there aren't any people that wanna smash my face there :<

See you in a couple of weeks guys! x
inb4 dodges anyway
No chance I would pay all that money, book time off work etc to dodge :P
- On your request I will say hi, no biggie for me :P
- Merlinator's brother aka Artstar??
-Faces will be smashed like every LAN.
-Pancakes will be made for marcus

Cu there!
Artstar bottled it! It's his other brother (who doesnt play ET,much, if not at all)
here are a couple of pics as you requested, they aren't that good cause I tend to avoid cameras (not sure why you edited your comment though) :P
image: 301328_2432513896108_1835845417_n
on the rightimage: 426146_10150667074958694_866659041_n
Editted since I found a picture on your profile already hehe
terrible pic + I don't ever wear glasses :P
8======> ( )( )
Love how every non g5 player has a flag before their name. The g5 player that everyone knows (me) doesn't have one. Thats just how I roll boys.

didn't notice that, boom g5 still applies though
Soooo Robaciek g5 player?
Shut up you fucking moron.

SSS player.

enjoy mate and good luck, I wish can go to the lan and met also people that I play for years but for portuguese people it's like impossible go there, for some reasons like to expensive for our salaries, to far away, etc

anyway, I hope u pwnd like u do on inet :)
Flights from Lissboa to Amsterdam are 150e, that doesnt count as an excuse
minimum salarie here is 485e without removing all taxes do the state

So I guess my 150e it's different from yours 150e :)

minimum here is 150 e

:D pwned
Cya lan :)
People complaining about too few LANs per year are lost.
ET is a small game, LAN prizes are low. Why would any multigaming sponsor a team there since prizes are so small and the visibility to that multigaming is really little since ET scene is indeed small.
Nobody wants to go 4 LANs per year spending their own money on them. It is better to have 2 "big" LANs than 4 average/no attendance LAN.
And those 2 LANs is like 10months between, would be nice
See you on LAN!
cu @ car
cu@ LAN. Not driving peopel from india because i'll have to go to customs again :C
:( :(

check facebook
Its really sad,that Anexis are not attending.. And just (If even..) 10teams..

Is there somewhere list of teams,who've paid? :D

sry for english,im tired and sick atm.. :(
11 teams* signup list that gizmo gave + devastation + erase + nights team + colt45

hopefully there will be few more
Would be nice, if Seanza updates paid teams for ET and ql TDM
Who said the site isn't up to date? Everybody who I've had money from has been marked as paid.
Oo it is now :) Thank you ( QL community wher saying already that it's gonna be fail cause no team paid and they wont pay money also )

Good luck with lan :)
It's always been updated as soon as I've received a payment. The site has never been outdated for anything more than 1 or 2 hours.
maybe me & keith will come and say hi to all the haters
ik neem pillen mee, ga je mee spacen dan? :D
kijk mn flag :)
Nee gek, ik ga niet
Quote not sure how my performance on LAN will be though, serious pressure etc :S

Not even a mention of me. Better watch your back at LAN, mate.
Getting room next to you tbh. Enjoy.
I'm not your mate, buddy.
m8, just allow outlaw. he isnt tzacbanned nor banned for cheating on tzac or whatsoever -,- let him "proof" himself on LAN. then we (Netherlands EFFECTUS will pay tomorrow, sunday.
I didn't disallow him.
hes cb banned for being mistaken for being Netherlands raffa/ParraFleX, thanks to Austria Kalli who deliberately misinformed CB admins to get outlaw banned, they didnt even check ips..
i thought i read u didnt want "cheaters" there?
cb banned players shouldn't be allowed, say if they go to lan and play good, what's to say they might not be cheating again after lan and then go around telling people they are lanproof
nono that isnt how it works, they go lan get drunk and "omg lols gais, I wus droonk whole time"
why wouldnt we allow him ? +1 Team..
dunno, not really bothered either way but I guess Sean needs to make up the numbers
thats what he got banned for? wow Kalli is a piece of shit.
biggest faggot alive
Yeah but he's not banned on TZAC and his account isn't that new, so it's good enough for me that CB got it wrong.
Let him go so I can call him a cunt. :D:D:D:D

CHOCOMEL MEETING 2 WEEKS AWAY BROTHER. Looking forward to catching up!
Suckas! Cu thar.
cu there
you see, every man is different
some are just lazy and others are diligent
some like dogs, others like pigeons
some do not and others believe in religions
I like to play with some friends on a LAN
I like to embrace the person that I am
I don't care what those people say don't care why they try to hate
as long as they let me play my favourite game
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