xPERiA's (00000608) rolled hard in 2o2 by Apricot & Phil

Hey guys,

Just wanted to show you that xPERiA got rolled hard by me and my teammate in a 2on2.
He was searching OFFI high+ with his teammate when he suddenly saw me searching med- (I was tired). He probably told himself : "Oh, Apricot is searching, let's own him as he taunted me hard like a pig some weeks ago".

Indeed, I had already warned him several times about it. If I would meet him, I would own him very hard.
And this is what happened 30 minutes ago. The fact is that he ego-ed right after the first round to avoid playing more maps.

Here we go :

Wauw! you must be high skilled!.
Heard colt45 might need a 6th, u sound like u could carry.
main news
nobody gives a flying fuck.
xperia noob :) nice ownage
get on irc copain !!!
haha hes fucking terrible :s
Gotta love them lowbies embarrassing themselves with journals like this
Wow you're so good.

image: MFW+the+retards+of+funnyjunk+don+t+understand+that+this+is+_8f54f6e38d70a09ed9e8440fbfb95fef
whatever you say, you're shit faggot
for your information, I don't search wars, I have my low skilled slaves for that ( casek, jackie )

I taunted you? I don't even know who you are, so maybe you're obsessed or something and you keep telling yourself that I actually give a fuck. Warned me? that's funny :D I dont even know why I bother replying to a sad nerd like yourself, but I guess I just like taunting (lol!)

u won GG sorry I had to eat and leave like that, didn't mean to hurt your e-feelings. or well actually I don't care go die of cancer mixed up with lepra,

have a good day.
e-net alles.
jij bent dik
enough said
jij bent ook dik
mad african nerd
whoaw you beat xpreia ..go for team Cpt next NC..
Hi all, when I see something like that I am very sad. I do not know what you want say here Apricot? That so you are played with xPERiA is good, but I do not see any point on your post. Maybe only so you are kicked someone from game server without reason. And so you are happy so you are won one round.
We all know so Adlernes is many times about luck and you are had luck.

I am sorry but this topic is for me really stupid.

I would not be surprised if no longer with you no one will want to play.
dafuq i just read
Best english 2012!
Relax guys, we all learned one day.
Relaxing : )
My English is known as the best on the world muhahahahahahahaha :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
what zhe fuck did I just read?
my mind is full of
This post is great.
@xPERiA You are talking shit, you tried to win hard, you were searching OFFI High+ or something so it's hardly possible that you were gonna eat soon (dinner at 17 pm), you are a liar. You perfectly know who I am. I warned you several times these last weeks about this. I taunted you while you were playing some OFFI on gamestv. And I say again, I will roll you in 1on1 one way on Vahalla (two medics, luger/colt, warmup mod) if you have the balls to face me.

And concerning this :
Quote I taunted you?

No you don't have balls and you cannot read either ... anyway.

@Klobby Well, I'm attacking xPERiA that way because he is feeling like a god on the ET scene. Look in his comment how he is talking about his teammates. I have to be very offensive when I am facing him.

Klobby, I believe you are the one hosting this server in Czech Republic. connect
Great server even if I lag a bit on it, good atmosphere. We need more people like this on the ET scene.
I think you need to go for a walk, get some fresh air, just relax.
Would you mind getting another nick to give him yours? :X/d:s:x:D/d:/D:d:d:d
Only if I can call myself TheFrank
Sorry to disappoint you, I have no idea who you are, nor do I actually care. I'm not searching offi's or a 'high+' war. Like I said earlier I was configuring my monitor when jackie said " I have a game " on which I replied ok I'll test my graphics n stuff and then I'll go to dinner. I'm talking like that about my teammates because we're having a laugh about it, nothing more, we treat casek like shit because he plays for 6 years and he's worse than your mother in FPS games. jackie is another story he's just braindead so we insult him for that. you taunted me in an offi on gtv? lol, we flame people every war, thats just how we roll. I'll gladly bash you in an offi again sometime, because it's obvious that I bashed you before else you wouldn't be here all happy because you finally managed to beat me, well congratufuckinglations, you can finally move on with your life now. and I'll decline your 1on1 offer, no time to waste on random nerds that have a wank on winning one map against their idol in an online game.

have a good one.
Quotewe flame people every war, thats just how we roll

Thats the thing in this game which makes it so fucking enjoyable
indeed but kids like this obviously get hurt : (
he's french, what'd you expect.
how do you know?
yesterday, 22:41
a french retard :|
cool story bro.

Oh cool, you won in lottonest with magic doublekill nade full and you are happy ? :DDD
h3h3 xPERIA nerd rolled nice job !
xperia mad
image: a-nerd
Who is this apricot?
?? how u dont know him ?? everyone knows him, I do too according to him.
a french retard :|
xPERiA still talking total crap and turning around the bush as I can see. You never ever rolled me in an OFFI and you are totally over-rated. I beat you and beat you up too, no problems. You know that you would lose if we had to play such a 1on1 and this is why you declined it. But, as I told you already, you cannot duck me all your life.

You are being such an arrogant person talking about your teammates like if they were slaves and things like that and then you try to minimize it saying these are jokes and blablabla ... You seem to insist on the fact that you don't search these wars by yourself, to me, it just makes you look even more snooty.

Sadly for you, you are showing that you are also utterly retarded as you are trying to induce in your comments, that I claim to be known, which is false. I don't claim to be known. I have never been really active on this community but I have been playing ET for quite a long time now.

you seem upset - oh and casek is laughing at you as we speak, I'm not going to be your friend so stop being obsessed, you're starting to look like a friggin stalker dude, can't duck you all my life? the fuck.. you've got issues boy
Stop ducking him please :s
you are truly a one piece of shit nerd . lower your ego xperia noob. your just scared of the med- skill or lowbob as you say. if you dont care anything why keep answering cuz other people clearly care that u shitnoob got rolled hard. overrated supply only piece of shit.

maps you can play as a decent player are : supply and grush , any other map u are just a regular med skilled player.

and last and for most

shit u got me all figured out, I better back out of this one before I got another stalker on my plate.
plz nerd you are so serious about this game that you even reply to me :DDDDDDDDDD
see you just proved my point. you dont have a plate , cuz u have all your money spent on ET.
image: tumblr_m375i8CsgD1r5yyzuo4_r1_500

get face & muscles now
are you implying that I buy cheats? I can't see any other way to spend money on ET. cool pictures, ill go and try to get face and muscles now bye
Funny thing is that in your replies, you are trying to alter the meanings of the phrases of your opponents to get the weak spirits, inducing bullshits like "so I cheat ?" "I won't be your friend" "You are a stalker".

Don't get me wrong, you don't cheat, you are totally over-rated, you got completely annihilated yesterday and you even ego-ed because you got much butt-hurt. I don't want to be your friend, and I am certainly not your fanboy. I am very opposed to you, I am your enemy, I face you with aggressiveness.

You are obviously a very arrogant, scornful, pretentious, insolent person. And this is why I challenge you at such a 1on1. I'll make you bite the dust.
avi or gtfo

also, who the fuck are you
lets agree that u both are dipshits
nerd pls :D
who da fuck r u man :XD
i heard xperia was good with panza at lan ;D
you heard wrong :S
who cares if you beat xperia, go beat fumble, now that would be impressive

cf needs more of this, used to be so many of them, now they're almost all gone!!
Who cares...
Fruits-Apricot is Francis...
the commenting, whining child....
Not at all. He can even confirm. I am not "Le Francis". I used to play with this nickname : "FRANCAIS"

@xPERiA You ought to play that 1on1 against me, get prepared to face the floor dude. I am not the one who runs away and you perfectly know it. I come to face you. I go forward like that.
ye sorry to le francis... Francais is the dumb child....
Muahaha, you got owned badly you shit face.

Quotethe commenting, whining child....

You were well referring to him not to me as I have never been a commentator.
You try to think like the ET mainstream do. You are a focking sheep man.
I point out your fail then you suddenly do a backflip.
Well... I wasn't referring to "le francis" in the first place, I meant explicitly "FRANCAIS"!
Backflip? cmon...

I just missed an A in fault...

I mean reread the journal and think about it!
Do you really need this?
Do you really need a new cf-journal for every funwar you win/loose?

and to come to the point: u mad?
QuoteWell... I wasn't referring to "le francis" in the first place, I meant explicitly "FRANCAIS"!
Backflip? cmon...

You are obviously lying and you are protecting yourself like an idiot. You know ... you can just admit you failed hard. At first, you were clearly referring and insulting LeFrancis as you tought we were the same person. You are not the only one making this mistake anyway.

QuoteI just missed an A in fault...

Like I'm gonna believe this crap. Open your eyes dude, "A" is so far away from "I". And this is utterly retarded anyway. I perfectly know that you lied.

But dude, really, you won't make me believe that you mistyped my name.

FRANCAIS =/= LeFrancis

And finally, why would you have talked about "commenting" ? You just lied.
You know very well that LeFrancis has commented plenty of ET wars. Me not.

You tried to act cool, telling things that are mainstream here. And you totally failed at it. Admit it.

@xPERiA Get ready to settle the scores, get ready to face the floor ! You had all your life to run and hide. Let's do this !
francis francais
so many different letters in this name .....

QuoteAt first, you were clearly referring and insulting LeFrancis as you tought we were the same person.

Well I didn't know that there are 2, but I really meant you!
and I said that you were the commenting/whining person you act like atm....

QuoteYou tried to act cool, telling things that are mainstream here.

what was the topic of this journal?

and nice that you just shout out I would lie...nothing better to say dude?
You are beating around the bush like a pig. I know that you lied, and you also know it. You are a kiddo. You are weak. Your spirit is weak. You don't think by yourself.
I lied in what case again?

tell me!
Long topic :-) nice :-)) Good joob :-)

Apricot have from me gold madal so he did very very long topic :-)

And xPERiA have also gold medal, not to be sad so losed :-)

Have fun and be friends :-)
[20:21] <Fruits-Apricot> hey
[20:21] <Fruits-Apricot> war
[20:25] <Fruits-Apricot> hey
[20:25] <Fruits-Apricot> war
[20:25] <Fruits-Apricot> what is the fock man
[20:25] <sn4ke> you are francais thats the point
[20:26] <Fruits-Apricot> yea so you are focking scared to lose ofc
[20:26] <sn4ke> I dont want to change your pampers while playing you know?
[20:27] <sn4ke> and now you start to whine again
[20:27] <sn4ke> and i have to close mirc
[20:27] <Fruits-Apricot> stfu , i am not gonna cry, i am gonna win if i play vs you
[20:27] <Fruits-Apricot> and u know it
[20:27] <Fruits-Apricot> you are not very clever u know
[20:27] * Disconnected
xD true story !
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