A Bed in Eden! [LAN]

Since Felix is only coming to LAN for two days (I guess he cant handle more drinking), I'm searching for someone who might be interested in having his bed from Saturday to Monday.

The bed of this legends will be untouched (I'll tell the maid!) so you can cuddle up in what is left of the one and only Felix' bodyheat, sweat and salvia on Saturday morning.

If you are interested, you also need to know that there will be an other ET/CF Legend staying in that room, namely G5-Superstar Potty.
When renting that bed for only 40€ a night, you will be allowed to touch Potty and you might even recieve a ticket (you all know what happens when you dont have a ticket!).

In addition to that, you will get the opportunity to sleep beside me and I wont even charge you extra for that!

PM here pls, IRC not working for me today
40€€€€€€€€€€€€ :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD for a night ^^
Only rich people allowed in Eden.

It just sucks to book the appartements, when you dont have a car, therefore I stay in the Eden.
rich people dont have a car ? HAHAHAHAH
Rich people fly in, being seated in the KLM Business class sipping wine and downing beers while others drive there with 5 people in an overloaded car.
gut dass also keiner von uns beiden reich ist ;)
Naja, auf meinem KLM Ticket steht Business Class drauf.
trotzdem hast du 50€ dafuer gezahlt ;)
Well actually, we're driving with 5 in an overloaded car but also staying in the Eden, so what does that make us? :S
An exception.
someone that will get bumfucked by me
and even if you had a car, who would stay sober enough to be able to drive between bad boekelo or what ever and the lan centre? (drunk driving is a no-go)
par example me :) but still u know that we aren't that often and long at the lan centre anyways...
I feel violated!
You will feel violated after those two nights

image: If%20you%20know%20what%20I%20mean.
What goes around, comes around.
Just go to an after-party at Logica and pass out on the floor, kein problem!

Cleaner ladies are going to wake you up at the morning so you won't be late from anywhere.
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