Searching for fragmovie name

Hey, so basically I stopped playing ET long ago, but from time to time I'm trying to revisit some of the more striking stuff.

I am trying to remember a pretty funny fragmovie which should be from year 2007 or so featuring, inter alia, HammerFall music and some funny on-screen text messages appearing like "I dun' want ya backpack" (or something similar) and something related to bubblegum.

I'm looking forward to hearing what the movie title was :P
^ This

Thank you :{)
A E.T. Moevy!
lol vib! :D
One of the greatest ones, love to Finland Veeth! Actually a professional at video-area nowadays (well, then too, just a project)

For the lazy ones,


Still use IRC at all or anything friend? Hope you're good. :)
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