People driving to LAN via/from Amsterdam HELP!

I need somebody with a car and a big heart to do me a huge favour. I need some things picked up from Weesp (NL) on Thursday and then returned on Monday within office hours.

Willing to buy some drinks in return for your kindness. Please PM me if you're able to help out!
Sean, can you come on mIRC
PM me on here.
I have a very big heart but no car. image: t307B
I bet it's just 100 cans of chocomel you need transported to Enschede
Got loads of Chocomel in Enschede already.
It's never enough with you involved :D
OH fuck I forgot about their fucking obsession
on a related note:
have any actions been taken to ensure that there will be coverage this time?
I mean last time it was all fun and games for the people who have been attending but there was abosutely nothing this community could enjoy about it. there was one stream which was low qualtity, cutting out all the time, aweful sound quality and with some german nerds faces on webcam having their first try ever at commentating looking and sounding like they just had their wisdom teeth done.
sounds like some epic coverage to me!

we will try to cast our own games during playing!
Knowing how much it really annoys and frustrates you, it gives me great amounts of pleasure to be able to break the news to you that we don't have an ET stream planned at all this time!
But QL is confirmed, right?
Yeah, QL will be broadcast. Zoot's coming.
it will be on ETTV?

PS: When is seeding tournament etc?

There are no plans for a seeding tournament.
ok when are groups and matches announced then?

im sure people playing early etc will want to know it in advance to know when they should be there max.
Either tomorrow or Friday.
danke schön
Bitte schön
oh yeah as an immensely active player i can barely contain my rage.
are you involved in planning of this event?
would be just to great to see you mucking up yet another project.
LANS keep ET alive! oh wait, no one knows it will be going on :(
what an incredibly retarded comment for him to make.
as i recall there was a donations fund to send 2 players to lan last time. i bet it would not have been a big problem to get a couple bucks from the community to get a decent microphone and fly in a commentator like pansy.
i mean i dont care much as im not playing ET anymore but I would sure have F5'd this page to see whats going on and took a look at the finals.
its just a joke to host an offline event in 2012 and not have coverage or a commentator.
but hey i gues a real event manager would have to be involved to actually make cool stuff happen.
Guess people want money for that which they dont have, but finding someone that would do it for free and sort of professional is kinda hard apparently :C

i Like the work he does but it kinda makes it a closed off event, learned nothing from last lan ~_~
all he does is run a previously established modell into the ground.
its 2012. no coverage = no (future) value

e: and i cant imagine that it is hard to find a reasonably experienced ET player with decent english who is willing to accept a donated plane ticket to go meet his beloved community and then commits to casting interesting games.
we dont want/need/expect a fully professional level in this community. but if 0 fucks were given the event is a joke.
Not sure If im missing something, but why does it matter if it is streamed or not? Once it is on ETTV who gives a shit.
i do not watch ETTV games. I want a livestream that does not require me to use a gameclient. I want sync commentation of the game.

i actually looked up what this Adroits thing is supposed to be.
it says "professional event management" or something very similar.
that guy is an amateur.
2012 offline event without online coverage is a joke.
ET could do so much better for itself but it is in the hand of incompetend people.
this website is a prime example of how its going faster downhill than it would have to.
ewa brother its an underground lan swa.
if you aint there you aint know shit broertje!
The reason there will be no live ET stream is because there are no available commentators for ET. You complained about the last commentators, there's no pleasing you.

If you think 0 fucks were given, then you're a bit more mentally handicapped than I initially thought. Continue with your nonsensical vendetta against me, it's highly entertaining, we had a great laugh at your comments when we were at the last event.

You are, by far, the person who is most obsessed with me and what I do.
stream quality is a question of equipment and preperation.
professionalism on stream is about moderation rather than production quality.
both of which should be your domain actually.
i am saying that hosting an offline event to only have the atendees profit from it is a nice service to that (small) part of the community but an aweful decision for ET.
its just not that hard to pull off. every second idiot on the internet is streaming with decent quality these days. just keep bunches of clowns off camera.
i think you are incompetent and that ET really has had it if noone else can be bothered.
and i dont know why you are trying to make this about me but i often voice my opinion, not only about you.
personal vendetta? i love how you manage to find confidence in something so negative but i am not interested and invested enough to make that much of an effort.
if you want me to keep it short so you can follow it:
i think you are incompetent and that hurts ET.
Quoteits just not that hard to pull off. every second idiot on the internet is streaming with decent quality these days.

Well then, sounds like you're the man for the job.

You don't seem to realise the amount of hard work Sean has put into ET for no real reason - don't be foolish to think there is a lot of profit in running an offline event for a 9 year old FPS game. The state of this game is quite obvious and we should be lucky somebody has enough fucks left to give to show ET some love. Don't like it then I can't wait to see what you've got planned for ET :).
as far as i understand he deems himself a professional.
he is trying to build up a portfolio.
not getting every last bit of coverage out of an event is a rookie mistake.
tbh the only other event he hosted was lacking majorly as well.
i am not the man for the job cause i dont pretend to be. he is trying, failing at many things and every single time i have written with him he is completely oblivious and justifying.
he hasnt learned and i havnt seen any effort from him to try and get a caster (mind to link me to the posts about trying to provide coverage?).

the LAN is awesome for people attending and it sure is better than nothing but its simply not on a professional level. lets not forget that he took over an already established format and imo SAGE could not compete with prior installments.
Clearly bothers you, lol.
you have no idea what i was going for. doesnt surprose me.
i think i can imagine how this event has been organized.
1) call wzzrd "hey its us, we have been there before, good business for u guys. can we come again? great."
2) make post on cf
3) go to mcdonalds
If only step one was that easy.

Step 2, easy.

Step 3, can't get enough of that wonderful stuff.
why are you even arguing with that idiot? no one gives a fuck about this attentionwhore...
ich frage mich warum du dich mit diesem self-overrating witz identifizieren kannst. ach ja...
nicht die eier in der hose zu replyn aber trotzdem nen comment abgeben müssen.
was los 20kilo hemd, schon wieder die hose brown X))))))))))))))))))))
aber nachdem du auf low+ stuck bist und dein commentary gefailed hat kannste dich ja auch als nächstes manager/organizer versuchen.
natürlicher abstieg eines lows der nicht los lassen kann
He's the owner of Adroits
i dont even know what that is. but i guess he doesnt much care about brand image and awareness.
no coverage and posted in a cocky attitude. you cant imagine my smile atm.
what a complete moron
There is someone for QL at least afaik
The real question is, why do u never leave ur house?
this is the 4th time you have tried.
if you cant come up with anything at least half decent, why even try?
at some point youll have to face the fact that you are not made for it.
dont need to try anything :] i just feel embarrased for u xD take urself so serious and write so many wall of texts thinking anyone cares. i just like looking how much u post, nerds are funny.
yeah people how can express themselves are more pathetic than mad little noobs who get shut down after every single attempt to comment.
Getting shut down? :D ok lol. Never seen anyone take gaming so serious, yet be so average at everything. Whens ur next gaming marathon btw? Really interested to read about it.
Is that the best you could come up with?
"You serious but bad"?
Wow you must be kinda new to the internet.
Too bad you picked the wrong stereotypes cause i never talk about games (hint: in this journal i talk about event management), and you are way oo new to this page to know what i am good or bad at.
try again
or actually, dont try again. its just gonna be some off-topic stereotypes that dont suit the situation at all simply cause you want to talk back.
True, judging by ur previous comments u clearly have lots of experience in organising lan coverage, why dont u do somin as u seem desperate to watch people walk around a lan cwntre.

I dont know but id guess ur a uni student? They all think they know everything after years of wikipedia browsing. Q_Q
so you dont have an academic education? really? i couldnt tell.

lets just try to work with what you said.
i am posting too much about my own gaming marathons and i am not even good at gaming.

mind to link me to a single post where i talk about my own gaming experiences?

[note how i am willing to ignore the fact that you pulled yet another thing out of your ass. i have never expressed any interest int he offline component of that lan so "intrested in having people running around lan centre" comes completely out of nowhere. stop making shit up. read and try to understand before you post]
Ur original comment on this topic was a big whine about the lan coverage. Ur trying to hard to sound smart, missing important things in ur nerd rage.
you are trying quite hard to change the subject.
you claimed that i post about gaming marathons.
you claimed that i suck at gaming.
you claimed that i am interested in the LAN itself rather than online coverage.

link and/or quote to support your claims and stop trying to change the subject/make up new stuff.
I didnt change the subject. Ur just not reading properly which is why i seen u been editting ur comments xD
i never edit my comments content wise after someone has already replied.
You changed the subject in every single comment you made because you simply cant reply to it.
if i understand you correctly the point you were trying to make is that i whined about lack of online coverage (which you didnt comment on btw) and i was missing some important part that you have yet to tell me. if "why you never get out of your house" is your way to make that point then so be it but i dont see any connection.
this is rather pointless as you have not managed to reply to anything so far.
ill tell you once more: just dont try, you appear to be flat out incapable of ... well basic brain functionality.
maybe, but im rich and good looking. ur poor and ugly xD
RL flame now?
i accept ur surrender and ill move on. good day to you
surrender? xD i told u u take this shit so serious xDDDDD go to the gym dude cmon
you hate on "walls of text" aka eloquence.
you thinks that expressing an argument and not accepting a bullshit response is taking things too seriously.
you utilize "xD" and "lol".
you cant make a single argument without going horribly off-topic.
you demonstrate a negative attitude towards people with academic education.
you flame real life as ultima ratio.
you say "go to the gym".

you are nothing but a stray dog, you disgust me.
and as far as i can see "you got slammed small son".
go back to your peasant life
being a skinny nerd and virgin isnt winning brother.
Good no shitty forced stream with loads of pakis on it this time! :')
Come to LAN and say that to koops face, dare you
Bigger muscles than Weslann's online-mouth
koop tiny xd
outlaw said he will smash you lol xd
lol I would like to see him try xd
harmen also said he will smash you lolxd
lol i also say i will smash you xd
lol but im not coming xd and im to big to get smashed xDDDDDD joke xx
I will smash you if you come little belgian
das niet lief he :sss ik kom toch niet grote nederlander :P
You dodged because koop was going to kill you xdd
Yes true :PP
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