What to do after TZ-AC?
13 Oct 2012, 08:15
Hi guys,
I was wondering what everyone will do after the 1st of December if TZ-AC shuts down. Obviously it will be possible for just anyone to use cheats. So maybe in most Clanbase matches on GamesTV there will be someone using cheats.
Does someone still have faith that another Anti-Cheat program will be installed? Because PunkBuster alone will not keep the cheaters away. Another big disadvantage is that you don't know who you are playing against since you can't use ac_players anymore. I think pulling the plug out of tz-ac will hit Clanbase the most.
Anyone knows something about this? ClanBase stepping up?
Might ESL Wire the answer that will solve this problem? I guess all servers must be modified, so that you have to be connected with ESL Wire. But I don't know how good it is in detecting cheats?
Or will you just quit and start playing another game?
CB is still top dog, like it or not, and without tzac that means pb or the dreaded "lets trust our opponents" which never worked well did it. Nice that its after the LAN though, great way to wrap things up for some players, no doubt.
ESL and Decerto have been making top competitions in the last 6 months. The latest top competition is known as Storm Assault.
And we can take the EC pattern at any time.
maybe it's good thing that I don't play et much lately
Yes, ESL Wire is excellent. It has silent detection, and the cheater is banned for 2 years.
It can be improved, but needs your(players) help.
And to some questions that I've seen, it only works by adding an ESL open match id to get ET started from Wire.
Our idea was to drop IRC wars and implement VERSUS. Brand new matchmaking system, perfect for teams to train with random teams on a daily basis, cheater free.
zAAba REPLY today, 09:25
its easy to bypass esl wire
I don't think people are in need to change the IRC matchmaking.
To play ET cheater free, you will only need to install ESL Wire (very easy to install, comes with a guide and doesn't create problems at installation), ET and an ESL account. And you will be able to do whatever you want on ESL (practice, play officials, participate in cups and so on). Sounds really good for a very old game to me.
About zAAba, he's one of the biggest trolls around, why do you listen to such retards? :)
ESL Wire is an active anticheat that is being developed by a team of coders. It covers a lot of games. He thinks he can bypass it because he doesn't get any error when trying it.
All ladder matches are officials anyway so it's the same as it was with tzac.
Versus will be added as a replacement for irc wars so that players&teams can practice using ESL Wire.
Things getting complicated! (not whinning, just trying to clear up somethings
With one click, you will mix up with other players and you will have to play against other mixed teams.
Versus is very simple, nothing to be afraid of.
want to play EC so bad :3
So yeh, I'll prolly just quit unless there will be a good AC again and a bit more active scene :d
CoH speel ik sinds 2 maanden. Echt een sicke game
jammer genoeg geen shooter maar wel leuk:p
ik moest het kopen van mark (16,95 euro voor het spel + 2 upgrades)
eerste paar uurtjes zijn minder leuk, omdat je het spel nog niet helemaal begrijpt maar daarna is het een geniaal spel.
jammer tom! gl met nieuwe 6e voor lan :p