What to do after TZ-AC?

image: tzac

Hi guys,

I was wondering what everyone will do after the 1st of December if TZ-AC shuts down. Obviously it will be possible for just anyone to use cheats. So maybe in most Clanbase matches on GamesTV there will be someone using cheats.

Does someone still have faith that another Anti-Cheat program will be installed? Because PunkBuster alone will not keep the cheaters away. Another big disadvantage is that you don't know who you are playing against since you can't use ac_players anymore. I think pulling the plug out of tz-ac will hit Clanbase the most.

image: xdw2kz
Anyone knows something about this? ClanBase stepping up?

Might ESL Wire the answer that will solve this problem? I guess all servers must be modified, so that you have to be connected with ESL Wire. But I don't know how good it is in detecting cheats?

image: 2rdx9bs

Or will you just quit and start playing another game?
quit et?

Hmm, maybe it is time to try cheats now and get good?
That would just piss your enemy off. People will quit if they only face cheaters.
But I would be sneaky! Pew pew, ding ding!
its easy to bypass esl wire
Easy to bypass almost every anticheat
no, some anticheats are easier than others.. pretty sure tzac was amongst the hardest to bypass, and esl wire probably isnt easy to bypass either
Ever heard of project7 to css? x22? not sure about x22 tho
yeah, maybe you should ask the developers if bypassing was easy
I think this is the end for premier online competition in ET - just because currently people have mentioned ESL wire and there are no premier ESL competitions in ET so...

CB is still top dog, like it or not, and without tzac that means pb or the dreaded "lets trust our opponents" which never worked well did it. Nice that its after the LAN though, great way to wrap things up for some players, no doubt.
No top competitions in ESL? :)
ESL and Decerto have been making top competitions in the last 6 months. The latest top competition is known as Storm Assault.

And we can take the EC pattern at any time.
Is it the premier ESL competition? It got dropped by Major Series like 2 years ago and that is more of a consolation tournament for the smaller games - ET doesnt even have that so, yes as stated :( its a great effort to do other competitions but its not on the same level.
Aint ESL Storm Assault for top players only?
No problem, i just play against cheats. Thats what everybody is doing anyway.
we need killerboy
it aint that long ago when we played without any anticheat and it wasnt too bad. it was just the paranoia what became big, not the actual amount of cheaters :D
Yes, that made me also think. But without an Anti-Cheat people wouldn't be as much bothered as using cheats back then. Now Anti-Cheat has caught several cheaters, people know it's hard to use cheats. So once TZ-AC is discontinued I'm afraid people will be interested in using cheats, because they weren't able in doing that the past 2 years.
for the high community it's no problem, it's for the medium to low-skilled/casual guys who're playing against new/unknown people all the time, the amount of cheaters might not go up as much as people think but the paranoia issue (as you say) will be big for the "lower skilled" community.. they're gonna be mad frustrated with the game knowing that r4pt0r_PL who they haven't seen before could be cheating
exactly, im one of the low+ players, and i still remember how it was when there was no AC at all, paranoia at every match like "this guy for 100% got wh!" etc
maybe it's good thing that I don't play et much lately
Yeh, indeed! The high skilled players will win vs a team with one or two cheaters most of the times. If players like me play vs them, we will just get anally raped, get mad and /quit
exactly, weren't alot of cheaters in good wars even then..
retarzi :

ye also smiled at it, it's true though
let's look at the positives! crossfire will return to it's former glory with masses of cheat accusation journals
What to do after TZ-AC? Reallife?
QuoteMight ESL Wire the answer that will solve this problem? I guess all servers must be modified, so that you have to be connected with ESL Wire. But I don't know how good it is in detecting cheats?

Yes, ESL Wire is excellent. It has silent detection, and the cheater is banned for 2 years.
It can be improved, but needs your(players) help.

And to some questions that I've seen, it only works by adding an ESL open match id to get ET started from Wire.
Our idea was to drop IRC wars and implement VERSUS. Brand new matchmaking system, perfect for teams to train with random teams on a daily basis, cheater free.
ESL will have a big job, I guess also in improving the cheat detecting system.

zAAba REPLY today, 09:25
its easy to bypass esl wire

I don't think people are in need to change the IRC matchmaking.
The IRC matchmaking will be changed because of the ESL Wire need. You will not be able to use Wire otherwise. This was discussed some time ago and was seen as a disadvantage because there was still TZAC in the scene.

To play ET cheater free, you will only need to install ESL Wire (very easy to install, comes with a guide and doesn't create problems at installation), ET and an ESL account. And you will be able to do whatever you want on ESL (practice, play officials, participate in cups and so on). Sounds really good for a very old game to me.

About zAAba, he's one of the biggest trolls around, why do you listen to such retards? :)
ESL Wire is an active anticheat that is being developed by a team of coders. It covers a lot of games. He thinks he can bypass it because he doesn't get any error when trying it.
Well, if you all get this going where you can do everything with ESL Wire, you will definitely kill ClanBase. Because ESL Wire is only for ESL, TZ-AC was used on all competition sites.
cheating hard in cs 1.6 with esl wire , u mad?
so is it working then already?
why its not used then? been cups on esl all summer and this new series also now
It was not used because of TZAC being actively in the picture. ESL Wire could not compete with TZAC, as it can only be used with ESL matches id. We are considering introducing it from now on.
so what I understood from your comments above, you can only run esl wire if you insert a match id right? so every game would have to be "official"? so we need to spend another 5 minutes to arrange a game because of all esl challenges, adding people to esl account etc or it would work in a different way?
+1, the 'versus' thing would render mixes an enormous hassle
Correction: you can only run ET through ESL Wire if you start it through a match id.
All ladder matches are officials anyway so it's the same as it was with tzac.
Versus will be added as a replacement for irc wars so that players&teams can practice using ESL Wire.
What about late night mixes then for exemple? we'll have to use ESL Wire also, means before playing a war we'll be forced to use this Versus thingy?
Things getting complicated! (not whinning, just trying to clear up somethings
Versus can be used to play as a team vs team or mixed team vs mixed team, without creating a new team, like the gather system.
With one click, you will mix up with other players and you will have to play against other mixed teams.

Versus is very simple, nothing to be afraid of.
so basicaly , new et.gather ?
From what I'm reading now, it sounds promising. It might be a good idea to make a post or something about ESL Wire and the Versus system.
image: 5oxb3n

I hope esl wire does pick up et, but doesn't it mean the end for one day cups?
and irc wars, and publics etc.. either a system like TZAC or nothing at all imo, ESL wire is utter crap when its restricted to ESL matches only.
Indeed. Even if the majority of the player base accepts and uses Wire on a regular basis, a good percentage of this community simply will not and to have less people to play against than what we already have seems like a waste of time.
may the better hax win
need cheats, keithh pm me pls
Can someone tell if ESL Wire is better? I'd expect it to be because it's used in the "bigger" games.
ESL wire was pretty buggy when I used it - perhaps it was early days. If it can only be used in ESL officials though its not much use - need something 24/7 and all cups and competitions.
Alright, when did u try it out? Years ago or? And maybe chaplja should pass his project for someone else if hes not using it anymore.
about a year or so ago, so of course it could have improved - bugs were it not recognising a player was playing when he was / making game lag.
wasn't ESL like dropping ET in 2013? :D
Everything depends on activity of players
pm for cheats ,5€
heb je ook runescape en habbo hotel cheats
#devastation /q dev`ironic

want to play EC so bad :3
Think this is the time to come back to ET.
Is it time to step back maybe?
Can't wait till december 1st then and wire taking over.
not gonna happen :)
Finsally my new modified whitelight will come i handy
I'll probably just stop playing ET. Not sure if I'll continue playing another game on the PC, as the only PC games I enjoy are FPS's and the only two I like alot are ET and CoD4 (just not as much as ET tho).

So yeh, I'll prolly just quit unless there will be a good AC again and a bit more active scene :d
CoH2 !

CoH speel ik sinds 2 maanden. Echt een sicke game
jammer genoeg geen shooter maar wel leuk:p
wat voor spel dan
World War 2 RTS :p
ik was ook anti rts, maar had het nog nooit geprobeerd (naast age of empires)
ik moest het kopen van mark (16,95 euro voor het spel + 2 upgrades)

eerste paar uurtjes zijn minder leuk, omdat je het spel nog niet helemaal begrijpt maar daarna is het een geniaal spel.

jammer tom! gl met nieuwe 6e voor lan :p
we hebben 6 hoor
Can't wait till december 1st and finally play EC!!!!
lol anyone can play EC nowadays
Dont think you've ever seen me play :D
if you only would've taken the time answer my pms on irc, you would've won EC by now
elke keer als draakjes je nodig had reageerde je niet :PPP
ja, ik was dan al aan t spelen ofzo x[
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