A lot of people comes with their kind thaughts that Chaplja this and Chaplja that mostly being softer or harder accuses or ideas about what Chaplja should have done and did not. Ok, everybody has the right to an oppinion. But why nobody speaks about what I think really matters? Money.

First of all, there was a time in the begining of tzac when people from this comunity were called to donate.How many donated? Goku,Potty,me and few others, totall less than 15 if i m not mistaken? What? Is this normal? You want things for free to keep you safe from the bad mean invaders/cheaters but you are not willing to give 5 euros for your own "safety" but you have no problem to spend thousand of euros on weed , buying games from Steam that you most likely will never finish or other stupid things you buy with your money? Even more , instead of keeping your mouth shut , when the ideea of donating pop up you started to flame and joke around "ha let s make big Chaplja bank account" and other shit like that.
This guy is not a clown.He is good at something and when somebody is good at something he wants to get paid for that.
Most of you complained and whined in the 90% of your time instead of doing the right thing.

Now you can complain till you run out of words. Now you have a reason.
have fun.
I get laughed at 24/7 when they see my status as Donator ingame, do believe that that is kinda strange.
yep or when they are asking what this means :P
Told one guy I had the status cuz I donated some organs for sick children, he actually seemed to believe it..
hm weird, ive never been laughed at for being a donator.. who the fuck are you playing against? :)

except for the occasional "you had to donate to cheat on tzac? XDXDXD:D:D:D:D:XD:D"
Anyone really lol
First time i have to agree with you..
I didn't donate 'cause i wasnt there when slac came out...

I'd rather donate,than kill this beautiful game.. 5€ wouldnt kill you...
This is like E-Greece
Haha, made me laugh :D
Shit, you got a point.
If you want the donation system to work, you need to collect money from every player.
Speaking for myself, I find it hard to pay for video games. The last one I bought was back in 2k7/8. Though a pay-or-gtfo system would turn out to be convincing, at least for us.

On the other hand, don't expect ANY new et player after the introduction of a tax.
Would you pay for an old game, free in the first place, with no way and helpful tutorial to install it properly and an unspleasant community? I wouldn't.

e: plus this game has come to a point that a new player could not even compete with the lowest low skilled ETPro players (me?).
gaming nowadays is not about playing great titles, it's about robbering player's money :S
Most of us don't have paypal and via bank transfer it would cost much more. But yeah 5€ won't heart anyone i guess :)
paying for this fucking game ? hajhahahahahahahahahah :XD
TZAC is dead, realize it already. Hindsight wont help us here. :)
would never pay for a free game
I see a lot of you saying : I would never pay for a free game.

Well you don t pay for ET , you pay for TZAC and nobody said that Tzac is or has to be free. And now you just realised this. Or not?
You realise you can't do a shit with tzac if you don't play ET or other tzac related games. In fact your are indirectly paying for ET.

E: In the ETPro scene, you need tzac to be able to participate. For playings wars, mixes, public gaming; tzac is required.
You are paying for a product made by a man. This product assures you a clean game ,free of hackers,or at least this was the plan.You are not paying for ET.
Ye, cuz the barrier for new players wont be higher if you need to pay for an AC which they never heard of before.
Not need. Donate. It means to invest in something for the love of it.
This game sucks. I am tired of it. I am also starting to get really pissed of this website.
I am glad that i only play once a month this game to understand my decision why i stopped playing this. The publics are empty. The maps are overplayed. There is no working anticheat. There is no active league. There are no cups anymore, everyone is flaming ingame and everytime you try to pracc or play a mixed, you need like 20 minutes to find an opponent. If you want to play ET, then you have to install a lot of other shit, before it works. Tzac is buggy as hell and im tired of googling and messaging other ET players 24/7 until they find a solution how to fix it.

Why should i donate money to someone i dont know, who does things i dont know? Why should i donate 10 €, so players can still find a way to cheat? It doesnt matter how much i donate, since this wont make ET alive again.

The time is over guys...get over it. After this lan noone will play this game anymore. Better move on to a new game very soon..
It didnt suck, but it started to do so..
the players suck
the game will always be wonderful!
This game don t suck. But you teenagers and young peeps of this website I m sorry to tell ,but many of you just don t deserve this game. I m pissed on this website ,actually on the kids here for a looong time, not to mention most of the admins piss the hell out of me. Yes the publics on et pro are empty with few exceptations but you can always play other mods.Tzac worked ok for me ,I donated money for it 2 years ago and 1 year ago and i had few problems at the very beggining but it was normal, most of us had it and Chaplja helped me a lot. About the flame in game I agree with you completely but is because of what i said above: dum kids, imature young peeps. I remember you used to flame a lot as well so count yourself in. There is no need to donate now anymore , there was need long time ago but nobody did. To busy with other stuff.

Probably when I will have time I will enjoy some publics that still have players , as there are a few , or I can always play jaymod again or silent.
i flame ? im one of the nicest guys here
You flamed me a lot :)
Quote everyone is flaming ingame

Last time i played against u, u acted like a fucking downsyndromed retard
I remember this. I was just trolling, eventho i dont like you
haha that was not troll
finding opponents is surprisingly easy tbh
The game got destroyed by its community.
too be honest
i gave him 10 euros
i just didnt add my name or whatever, dont want donator status :PPPP
Agree. Good point.
makes my heart happy to see you for the first time agreeing on something with me :P
DId not know about this donations thingy :o
yeah exactly, i would probably have given a few euros, but it's too late now
When you registered on tzac website you did not notice the donate button/menu?
Paying for anticheat? Are you crazy?

If anticheat would be not free there would be no guys playing ET, really. The worst idea I've ever seen. It can only make this game dead.
No i m not crazy. And you talk a lot of crap obvioussly without having any clue about what you talking. Pointless to argue with you ,you are clueless.
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