kARnAJ Need Headset for LAN

Hello everyone !

I would like to know who could lend me an headset just for the LAN, it would be really nice and I might give a blowjob as reward or a free vodka if you prefer :)
Mine is too shit and I won't have time to buy a new one :/

Thank you in advance and see you at LAN !
Ask YCN`Marcus
That guy has no life
are you talking about YMCA`Marcus?
Potty aswell
hf getting aids from nurds headsets
Nice too see that you didn't wrote ask bAnga!

hf getting aids from nurds headsets

aids from nurd = bAnga

i was writing in code
me :)
hf toussa le copain
I am in the same boat. Might just bring my in ear headphones and put my old headset over the top.
dont they sell shit at lans?
why would someone sell shit :s
Nah but they do have some backup gear
At AEF you could buy steelsries products
This aint AEF ;p
aah, my comment was meant for timbolina, sorry!
i could sell u some shit if u like
do i look like i need shit :P?
dont know how u look like
/q rAmbo
You could have posted that a few days earlier, I sold one of my old headsets a few days back and had to return my latest one due to cable issues, now I only have my Siberia left for me :(
If you play as our sixth you can borrow my shiny new creative fatal1ty and I'll play with my shitty xtrust thing.
I think wzzrd has some gear, maybe contact them if they want to sponsor you with borrowing a headset :D
Shouldn't be a problem ;). We have a dozen headsets you can borrow as long as you hand in an ID card or drivers licence with your name on it (to make sure we get it back).
Who should I contact at the LAN ?
I will be there the whole LAN from 9 till 6, after that you can ask for Jacco. But all my collegues know the procedure for borrowing headsets.
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