Adroits LAN QuakeLive

Duel Players
ani,av3k,spartie,baksteen,dem0n,dsdl?,evil,impulse,k1llsen,memento_mori,OWZO,pavel,powlee,purri,twister,czm and Chyper?

TDM Teams and players
Team Czech Republic
krysa, debtor, flatecek, frg14

Team Germany #1
distel, dsdl, krz, raidan

Team Germany #2
Yellack, Axion, Twister, Oldsplatterhand

Team Netherlands
draven, gda, prodx, silencep

Team Russia #1
421, pavel, Lexaaa, Latrommi, CTAPOCTA, cooke

Team Russia #2
snorlax, sapego, inside, tapehead

Team Sweden #1
purri, senti, mobius, spartie

Team Sweden #2
p1s, mdf, rox, ani

Duel top 3 1st Chyper,av3k,evil
TDM top3 1st Team sweden#1 2nd Team russia#1 3rd Team Sweden #3

Whats your predictions?

Germanytwister will poooooooooooown!
Owzoooo don't forget to bring your camera mate, I'll bring my marker
Hes not going :P
12:44:13 <Kenzi> stupid or intentional troll?
12:44:14 <Kenzi>
yeah got it right now but didn't see him at signup list :( :P
wow pretty skilled players over there:P gonna be more interesting than ET
Seems sick gj.
Duel: 1. Cypher, 2. Av3k, 3. Baksteen

TDM: 1. Netherland, 2. Russia, 3. Czech
isnt germany #2 playin with k1llsen?
I dont give a shit tbh. Planning to sabotage the QL matches so that the ET players have more gaming time :)
GO Baksteen! Hope Av3k is in form always sick to watch him play.

Is anybody shoutcasting this on site?
zoot is casting :)
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