ruleset writer league/tournamentsite

Dear crossfire,
I'm launching a new tournament/league website, the project is still in beta and their are still some things to do. Estimated openingcup date is 1 November.

* Things left to do
- some banner/logo's/news category banners
- write rules for different games
- program stuff ( double elimination brackets, screenshot,demo upload )

* Supporting games to start wtih:
- Wolfenstein:ET
- LoL
- Cod series ( cod4, cod2)
- BF3
- All Cs series
- TF2
- Quake Live

So what i'm looking for is:
-some guy who is well known with some games to write a full ruleset for a ladder/cup in that certain game.(not only ET)
- multiple banner/logo's maker perhaps also be available over a longer time
- bug spotters, testers ( also teams)

If you are interested in any way (questions/info) or want a sneak preview of the project contact me
, greetz

contact me:
@irc #Nbs OCL`xarQi
xfire: xarqi
pm on CF
Woooooo and Exc1te!
Haha nee dankje man! Wij hosselen onze eigen dingen wel ;) leuk dat je aan ons denkt hoor maar hoe weet jij dat ;p
Jij kan zulke dingen toch? :D
Ah naja wie kan dat niet? :p dat is wel echt t minste werk lijkt me :p
maar jij kan dat zo goed!
Daarom gaan we het ook zelf doen! :p
mss wel het minste werk maar geen zin om bij elke spel een hele pagina tekst te gaan typen. heb werk genoeg met het programmeren:)
Natuurlijk, zoveel mogelijk easy content uitbesteden, vooral iets als dit omdat het gewoon niet veel werk is in principe.

Doe je goed toch
Succes jonge!
first of all gl with it

but i would start with less games for the beginning..just do et and your 2nd favorite game - with just 2 games you can guarantee a good tournament for both the community and it`s players and you can test the whole system. if you start for all games and you still got many bugs not just the et community will whine but the other gaming communities as well...

if done so&succeeded you can add new&more games

and for the rules: just head over to esl/cb/other big tournament sites and check their ruleset and adjust them to your intention
thanx for the advice.
I was also planning to do a beta users ( who spot the bugs) / beta teams (use the system) before openingscup.
The openingcups will prolly still delay, depends on how the things that I still have to do are moving on.
And was also thinking to drop some games to start with
I can agree with what SPU9 said, because it's really hard to get enough admins for all these tourneys, and even after beta fase there willl be problems that you encounter and will have to solve so you can definitly not do all by yourself ;)

Furthermore i would like to try making some logo's/banners etc.
I'm studying some shit now where i also need to develop my photoshop skills (making game for soccer club in few weeks) so i could use the practise. Eventhough i'm not really any good at it i'd like to give it a try and who knows what might come of it.

Just PM me with some details and specifications (size, color scheme, words that need to be in there, watermark etc. etc.) U can do it in dutch if u want to btw ;)

Wish u gl!
W;ET and LoL only, lol
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