LoL 5/5

QuoteCertain in-game activity on your account was found to be in violation of the Summoner's Code by the Tribunal. Your account and forum posting privileges will be TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED until 2012-10-20 08:00:08. Please remember that multiple violations of the Summoner's Code can lead to permanent suspension of your account.

image: 11114681

5/5, no? what to do now, lvl 4 account games:SS??

they actualy ban trolls like this one? :D
Take a plan to the netherlands.
he didnt really have a plan on his last trip, why now?
last time got banned for not troll games

but not getting banned for 0/26 ranked ez, weirdo
dont understand :z
take the chance to learn dota2

i have a friend who ragequit a lot,

he got only banned for one day, and have egoquited like more than 20 times
No janna skin for mind :DDD
What was the reason? Did you do verbal abuse? Can't see why you got banned?
Well League is known for banning people for breaking the meta so...
nice logic
How is playing Zilean with revive/surge punishable?
He didn't play that bad 6/10/19 these are kind of normal stats for a game that is not going too well.
If he wasn't acting like a dick which may be possible, intentionally fed or clarifying he's going to troll there shouldn't be real reason to ban, is there?

Did I miss your point of your message because after writing this if feels like I may have done so.
Its not punishable to play zilean with surge/revive, unless you are picking him without the agreement of your teammates and with the intention to not cooperate with your team.

cba to look for the quote, but riot doesnt ban someone for breaking the meta, they ban the retards who does these kind of things without explaining it to others and not communicating, thus ruining the game experience of others.

"Riot is known banning for breaking the meta" - care to explain me on that?
Like you can pick any meta-breaking pick ever if you would always listen to your teammates. If I want to pick, lets say Sejuani top, team will never let me to do so and therefore I can not break the glorious meta.

How should you explain your pick? I have never seen anyone explaining their unusual picks. Only explanation what I have seen is: "Trust me" or "I will own". It is enough? Lets imagine a situation I pick Lux to the top lane with summoners clarity and clairvoyance. I will explain it something along lines "We get more cc and burst, I need clarity for my mana since I got no blue buff near and CV for vision". Firstly, I don't see anyone explaining it thoroughly like this. Secondly, we continue to game and we lose it, I didn't have too good game and ending the game with mediocore stats but certainly not 'ruining' my teammates game experience. Do you really think anyone will take into account my explanation in the champ selection and abandon the reporting duty? People will report report you anyways just because they think the unusual pick made them lose the game. If I had picked Jax with everything normal and proceeded to end up same stats and 'ruining' the game I wouldn't have been reported because it wasn't 'troll-pick' and it was correct according to meta.. It is just people think some champion and summoner picks are instant troll-picks even though in theory there is none.
Besides of that, if you do not communicate with your team or don't pick what they want doesn't mean you do not cooperate with team in-game.

Like I said before I do not know miNd's case and what happened in-game but his stats didn't seem like TOO bad for a, I guess pretty lengthy game. I do not know if he did things that made his team lose the game but considering he didn't I don't see why he would have "ruined" others game since it seemed to be really close game judging by the picture. The only 'ruining' effect can be the fact that they lost but it is not even necessarily his fault. People get amazingly angry after a lost game and will proceed to blame someone and reporting him.

About banning for breaking the meta. There was at least a known case where someone played Fiddlesticks support and didn't build support items and got reported and eventually banned. He had other offences such as randoming champions but the game playing as Fiddlesticks was one of the reasons among others.

Plus Tribunal is great thing but one of the downsides is cases where someone hasn't really done anything wrong like had bad game with 0/6/0 stats and everyone will Punish him just because they care about the IP they receive and not about the real issue.

Sorry for lengthy post, hope you had some time to read it !
like for the son
wahh... im confused
ragequit = tempban :E
and meanwhile in poland

image: m1pl

1 more game to 1600. yes am very proud of my nordic acc XD
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