Nerd journal

I know there is a lot of hype about the last LAN this year and perhaps the last lan in ET ever bla bla bla , but I think that the Presidential election in US are also an important subject to talk here , you know like nerd to nerd, so... what are your impressions and oppinions, considering that each of the candidats has different political views concerning US and Europe and the rest of the world.
*Obama getting up to say something*
Romney:You'll get your chance, I'm still speaking.
I must have missed that part :D
United States of America, dont give a shit sorry
well obama looks cooler tho
You don t give a shit but you are aware that each president got different oppinions about politics with Europe which imply France as well?
Member for 5 days who lives in anonymous, why would you give a toss ?
Off topic spotted old Punk Buster admin.Stick to the topic :)
My question was actually on topic :)
QuoteMember for 5 days who lives in anonymous, why would you give a toss ?
Old Punk Buster admin ? Nope. PBBans active admin yes ;)
QuoteAlways Quality over Quantity
I m sorry for the confusion ,is long time since we talked and yes it was on the irc channel of the organisation you mentioned. I m maybe ON THIS PROFILE 5 days old member living somewhere, but actually I m older member here, like 2 years and something , but on that profile I have posting rights revoked because of Tosspot and Frop and myself too , so I m forced to make always new profiles , this one wil probably be deactivated or posting rights revoked very soon. On topic , my country is a supporter of USA and USA pretends (I dont know if is real or not) that they actually give a shit about us.So yea that s my excuse :)
Since I don't have a clue about American politics. Does Obama = similar to Labour and Romney = similar to Conservatives?
I mean their policies
In the link i gave you can see the debate between Obama and Romney , they are running for president one against the other so how can it be similar?
Romney is a Mormon right?
same but diff.
Spec savers, two for the price of one ;)
dont care tbh
Obama is cool as fuck so i support him
who cares? they still are terrorists!
Romney has some binders!
obama to get re-elected mainly cause hes a nigger and dat is kool
Very interested point of view ,also I would add very poor.
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