Browsing facebook
20 Oct 2012, 07:40
I ussualy browse facebook once every 3 4 months, that s how much I care about this website, and guess what? Today was that day. Found absolutely randomly this picture.
I tried to understand who this person is, and I can think about more than one answer:
1. Black Justin Bieber
2.Black duck face wanna be boy acting like a white boy
3. Barack Obama when he was a teenager
4.The grand grand grand grand grand grand (running out of grands) son of Leonardo Da Vinci?
5.Your pick.
And what the hell is wrong with the 2 chicks? That shit loads of make up, those botox lips, that fake tan , OH MY GOD!
I instantly thaught about things being said by real hood gangsters :
50 cent : "Have some supermodel bitches come and suck on some dick
My mom turn in her grave if I married a white chick"
Ludacris: "We gon' ball 'til we fall or this Conjure get us wasted
And I never drink that white, all my women think I'm racist"
Shoutout to all the real boys and real girls who act natural and look natural!!!
this is goku'
and tbh i care even less for that website, dont even own an account
my friends are always like : lol mate , how can u live without it ? how cant u like it ? and all kind of dis shit