"Grand Final"

Well,wtf is that? is that shit can be called a grand final? cast is shit,who the fuck are those who speaking? that's a TeamSpeak or what,I have been watching QL streams as well from time to time and they were also mucho shit.
Why having a casting spot,and a fkn live stream and get some advs on it all pro and shit,while no one is casting the fkn grand final,wtf srsly.
last lan was quite fun when it comes to watching the stream,but since this lan started its getting more lamer then excepted.
shame ET,shame,I'm not Angry at you I'm just very disappointed.
image: 56505041165243889001339
English, do you speak it?
Im a bit retarded that's well known,and I do speak hsilgne ( I try to do so properly and I just cant ) ,being stoned and not rly giving a fuck about my typos over here,that's what's up domi.
couldn watch any match expect the final right now and that is so fucking poor :D

you got a nice prizepool but the rest is pretty shit :D
[16:55] (@Francis) tosspot always allowed me to cast
[16:55] (@Francis) proof CC > adroits
Fkn Francis,worst then ETBOT,hes killing et ><' .
btw Francis,why your mom sounds so mad at the teamspeak? :[
During my entire e-life I did more things to keep ET alive than to kill it.
I'm pretty sure he was allowed to cast and btw I met your friend abort.
ye, I told him to ask :/ Also wanted to make a spontaneous lan-appearance, but Francy was too shy to accompany me
Last lan I was asked to remove my cast server. TosspoT never disallowed me to cast.
CrossfireChallenge lans > Adroits.
g5 player
daymn jew you mad
u not like my voice?
do you like mine?
Can't deal with the accent rly ;<
Can't be much more difficult than Apu's one in the Simpsons
even polak lan had better stream :DDDDDDDDDDD hahah android lan buuuuuuuuuu cioty
are you upset perhaps?
Cant comment about the official stream, was good imo, especially with avek vo0 and czm on there.

Rayzed's stream though, I would have rather watched potty or whoever cast some matches on it, but I guess they were only interested in letting drunk fucks flame random people in the chatbox, pretty low imo.
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