MYSerious at Lan

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Yo Crossis ,

After a fucking hard week im happy to be finally at home. We lost 0-12 and were still happy to play the last ET lan in a worth country ;) (hi polaks)
On Thursday morning (4:00 a.m) Germany stRay picked me up and we drove to GermanyPotsdam and meet Germany Torte and Germany Twister ,a quakeLive player.
After ~8 hrs driving and reaching NetherlandsEnschede we were in the supermarket with the guys of Germany PDEG and went to the apartments.
We ate something and smoked a lot of weed with Turkey FiREBALL ,his 2 mates , Germany w1za and Germany timmae :) while watching a A.Hitler documentary. Thanks Netherlands TV.
On Friday we supported Germany PDEG and they made it easy into playoffs and meet our clanleader Germany König who gave us the nice shirts we weared in our 3 loses, after that we went to the Hotel and some of our guys swimmed in the pool , played billard or bowling. At the evening we drunk , smoked and talked a lot of bullshit ;)
On saturday we had our chance to play and who knew that,we lost all our 3 games against Netherlands decerto , Europe OPF and also against Germany Lost Soldiers
all 0:4 , but we had a lot of fun and played not that bad, after that loses we were a bit mad but we drunk 1-2 beers and all was fine again. ;)
Some hours later we watched PDEG a bit and meet some nice guys , Anonymous Potty gave Germany Torte and me a beer and a ticket to enter the g5 aftershow party ( was awesome mate thx bro ). In the evening same as allways , a looot weed and alchol and fun! :)

The Sunday was quite short for us since all players had to leave, Germany MYS-gaming watched the game from PDEG vs Netherlands Decerto and talked a bit what gonna happen after this lan, coz it showed us again this game is just brilliant.

Some things:

Nice guys : Belgium GOKUUUUUUU United Kingdom Potty , United Kingdom owzo , Germany Lost-Soldiers , Germany PDEG and 2 friends of FiREBALL and ofc Germany QPAD-MYSerious-gaming and ofc Scotland Sean for making this again happen! :)

Surprising team? : i would say Lost-Soldiers, they made it into Playoffs and played pretty decent against Germany PDEG and Netherlands Decerto

Players of the lan: What i saw ( didnt watched that much games ) i can say Netherlands jo0f and France karnaj played pretty well!
funny: some "guys" who whined about MYS what never happend, HI LEOKINO :DD

Engrish time, i know i suck bla bla ! Was nice to meet you guys <3

For me i decided, even if i dont play ET anymore i will go everytime to a ET lan,coz its the best game! :)

Thursday Morning : image: 2012-10-18_07.40.15
Sun is shining : image: 2012-10-18_07.41.44
Woohoo : image: 2012-10-18_10.59.03
from left : Torte , in back bl4de , stRay , in back kResti and jaeger image: 2012-10-18_14.50.41
our room : image: 2012-10-18_15.26.25
Hitler :D : image: 2012-10-18_17.24.14
effectus : image: 2012-10-19_10.38.34
sGp + potty : image: 2012-10-19_10.38.48
effectus : image: 2012-10-19_10.39.09
potty + sGp : image: 2012-10-19_10.39.18
PDEG : image: 2012-10-19_10.39.38
TBS : image: 2012-10-19_10.39.50
t1mmae : image: 2012-10-19_14.03.21
MYS Leader König : image: 2012-10-19_14.03.26
ScaTmaN : image: 2012-10-19_14.03.41
Madness after loosing spree : image: 2012-10-20_14.17.40
timmae playing pool image: 2012-10-20_19.40.40
psiquh : image: 2012-10-20_19.41.00
hotel garden : image: 2012-10-21_09.53.48
De GROLSCH veste image: 2012-10-21_14.15.19
me super tired : image: 2012-10-21_14.15.36
that never gonna happen again, soz sir :(
That's more like it :D
Nice journal
cool story bro!
nice journal, cyu you next lan.
You do like my joke @ the toilet xD hehe
I m the only guy who sang I m a Scatman for you on ts3 and no shoutouts for me.
stopped reading after first sentence
u can read???
nice journal!
Nice story :) h3h3
nice shoes timmae :D
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