Rapidshare download links

Hey guys :) :D

Used to download always with rapidshare account on http://www.warez-bb.org/index.php

Site has been hacked a few times last 2 weeks & is slow as fuck now. Anyone has a similar site which im not aware of?

Thanks in advance xo

ps: need duo Q partner 1300-1400 elo :D, esp for season 3 => tomorrow? :D
I also used that site.

Now I'm using torrents. Why did I ever use rapidshare :/
i would like to be your duo q mate , didnt reach 1300 elo though, but got out from elo hell in only 1 week (870-1013)-the week that just past by

only a few ranked and 1200 elo, if you want to play with me, feel free to add me : nicolahBE
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