Sports on Crossfire

With the Crossfire Content Competition going on, trying to motivate Crossfire users to deliver more - and better - content on the site to keep it alive, I came up with the following idea. It has shown that a big part of the community is interested in - and motivated to contribute content about - sports, in particular big sports events. A prime example of this is the Champions League thread crafted by Timbolina (and his previous content regarding Football)

Now, as a sports enthusiast myself, I wonder why none of the other major leagues (NBA Finals, Tour de France, Rugby World Cup, Wimbledon etc. etc.) are being covered on this site. This is where I (and hopefully you) come in. More sports leagues means we are able to provide more coverage. More coverage means more content, more content means more views, more commenting, more discussions, which ultimately results in increase of the liveliness of the site.

So here's my question to you (or actually, two questions):
Is Crossfire interested in more sports coverage? But also, are Crossfire users willing to work together with me to cover the best and most interesting sports events and craft interesting, fun content on the Crossfire site.

Make sure to share your opinion, ideas and creativity in the comments!
Would like to see some.
Might be interesting to some but I think its too far from this sites original purpose.
Id like to see more coverage on dota2, sc2, cs:go and other esports.
Aren't there so much more eSports sites covering these games, though?
And you don't think there aren't enough of normal sports?
You seem to miss the point that in this case, it is combined. Also, this is just a "survey" to see if people are interested in the idea. If not, it won't be done (at least not by me).
Combined or not, there's still plenty of (probably better as well) coverage websites. So your argument is invalid if you think there's plenty of coveragewebsite on the other games already.

If you want to combine them, then the sc2 and LoL coverages should be in there as well as that is what combined means.

And what HugTheSub said is true, it's a gaming community, even tho there will probably be plenty of people interested in other sports as well, people won't look for that here.

Plus, really covering stuff on here is not doable, I've offered full on covering many shit but it's just not realisable on this website.

You'd have to make it in journals and nobody cares about that. Won't get a seperate section, there won't be anything added for you to make it easier.
Obviously there are plenty of other sites, but if people like to read it, why not produce it? I wouldn't mind extra game-related content on this site, but neither would I mind more no-game-related content. Both are enjoyable and interesting to read.

Also, don't see this is a big "coverage" thing. If it's just journals, that's fine for me. I can do the lay-out myself, so that's not an issue. Concerning the content, it's just an abbreviate view on the relative sports; Results, standings, perhaps some additional information.

i did this with last year's Tour de France (unfortunately, with the new Crossfire, this content is unavailable now, so I can't actually show you). It got the attention of many users. This made it enjoyable for me to actually keep it up to date and continue this "tradition".

Which brings me to the next thing: If I see people liking my content, it gives me more motivation to produce more content. This can also be in the form of covering other games, not just sports. Obviously, I look at this from a total different view, but I do appreciate your input!
arent there so much sports sites that cover everything you want to know about sports?
at least this site is a gaming community so general esports news wouldnt be as far fetched imo.
Yes, of course there are. But as you can see by the content that Timbolina has delivered (which does seem to have the attention of at least some part of the community), some people ARE interested in reading sports-related content. To a lot of people, this is a site they browse every day for at least a few minutes. I think a lot of people would be interested in abbreviate, interesting content concerning sports. I could be wrong, though (hence the "survey")!
Aaaand, I am about to start cooking in an hour or so, food journal, yes / no / lol.
Why not? It's been done before!
Aye, will be visible in few hours.

Meat-jalopeno-pastry incoming.
Sounds good, interested in a guest eater?
people who care about NBA just do journals and converse there.
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