Tablet help :S

Since my girlfriend goes to Australia for 6 months (work and travel shit) she needs a tablet to Skype, Email, Facebook and all that.
We have checked the iPads, Samsung Galaxy tabs and some other stuff.

Do you guys own a tablet, and if so, which one?
Which one can you recommend?

The screen size doesnt really matter, 7" to 11" is okay.
Budget is between 250€ and 400€.
It would be a big plus if the tablet supports keyboards for writing longer texts.

No chick.
I would wait few more weeks and buy the new Google Tablet. It won't be expensive and it seems great.
she is leaving in 3 weeks already.
She can buy it there. I don't know exactly when it will be available for public. Do some research, perhaps the time will be good enough :P
nexus 7 is already available for a couple of weeks.
no 3G; can use tethering with phone, but wi-fi everywhere
no rear camere, but it's tablet right?
can connect any bluetooth keyboard, i guess (logitech have one exactly for android devices)

have nothing to compare, but i love mine.
The iPad is great for consuming media (the "retina" display is really amazing) but doing something? nahh, not really.
A good friend of mine has the nexus 7 and it's great aswell, its only 220€ in the 8GB Version and it does everything the ipad does, except for the smaller display but you can still be productive with it. But i have no idea about keyboard support :o
It doesnt support 3G
You didn't write that! :D

If it has to be 3G i would go for a galaxy tab since the ipad cellular is just way overpriced.
related question:
can you recommend a netbook/small laptop for uni-use only(checking information, schedule, lecture-scripts, presentations), hence less than 250€? Or is a tablet nowadays the thing to go for for these things, too?
Depends tbh :D I dunno whats worst, a tablet or one of this netbooks (fucking small for my fingers !)....
Seen both at university, lately ppl tend to bring the tablets more often...

I still stick with my heavy 15.4' laptop :D
Yea, I can't see myself using a tablet, dno, but I think they are considerably cheap..A netbook isn't perfect if you want to read off the screen :P, but a laptop might be kind of big/heavy to carry around all day..
Anyways I have no idea about good prices/quality for all of them
Personally i am highly interested in this new Google Nexus 7 Tablet. Seems cheap and quality stuff. But i don't wanna spend money xD

I would mainly use it at home or perhaps at some theory lessons, because a netbook or a tablet isn't suited for my studies (Master degree at IT engineering -> alot of programming at practical lessons... )
Aww, you can buy it as a reward for your graduation :D
Graduation is long gone :< i got a new problem to deal with now :D

After the graduation i signed up for one of the best engineer universities and i ended up being accepted :D

So now i am studying: Master degree as Informatics Engineering - specialization at Graphical Systems and Multimedia (but i will also do another specialization at same time called Architecture, Systems and Networks)

well, that's nice, you can easily get a decent job in pretty much every country I guess!
Yes, plus my university is the only Engineer university from Portugal, who not only has direct access to OE (Order of Engineers), but also has a european certificate which grants me direct access to OE of 27 Countries :)
If you want to write notes and shit, get a netbook (typing on a tablet is terrible, especially if you want to keep paying attention to the prof).

For browsing through scrips get an ebook reader.

For brwosing through scripts and killing time get a tablet
A'ight, any recommendable netbooks? or brand at least?
If you want to safe money, get a used one with linux, the ones that were "hip" 3 years ago.

They are still perfect for brwosing.

Acer had some good ones, not up-to-date with the netbooks, tho
How about the traditional way? Pen + paper :D

I am serious, getting everything in a digital format helps alot but it's complicated, atleast for my studies since i had to do some calculus and draw stuff (wave signals... etc etc). Pretty hard to do it using a computer "in real time".
you have to signup for all sorts of courses here with limited slots, so everyone with inet devices take away the ones with the best dates..
I don't have to do any drawings, probably just add some notes to the .ppt-pages, which is obviously easier if you can bring the script and don't have to figure at home where exactly your notes belong to etc
not sure how long I stay with my subject though
pen and paper is still the best. Especially for math :D
and for the rest I use my macbook.
East Coast? :)
iPad mini or the new upcoming nexus tablet
either is fine
get an ipod :))))))))))))))))))))))
I heard that nexus 7 is good, still I'm not into that kind of stuff so can't say anything more about it.
I have a nexus 7 because I didn't want to spend too much...

Bloody awesome imho.
If she is ok with something smaller (7'') and does not require 3G connectivity nor rather small memory without possibility of further expansion with SD cards Nexus 7 should be perfect. It's nothing fancy, just extremely good consumer product (in it's price range ofc).
However, seeing your budget is pretty decent, maybe some iPad would be good as well. New iPad Mini should be good, but I would still prefer Nexus 7 over iPad, even if I had all the money in a world to waste.
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