Stop it already
only if he promises to keep coding/developing TZAC and won't close it down, not when the community is still alive
QuotePosted by manj on 24 Oct 2012 19:27:25

I would consider it if you promised proper updates. For me I have played a lot of cheaters that are using TZAC and nothing has happened to them. Also people just make new accounts all the time.

Posted by chaplja on 24 Oct 2012 19:29:01

The question assumes that I'd be very active on the site and the updates would be very frequent.
done and thx for posting this on cf
yea let's pay him some money now so he can quit his project with our cash :D
he wont quit if he makes money out of it.
voted no

fuck off and dont take my money
no not with his latest attitude
if tzac will be better anti cheat vote yes :D
its np for zAAba wh is still undetected image: 20121008163010supply
aka cracked etBot, enjoy your viruses
ok so why does it have etBots spawntimer on the right there?
cuz not only etbot got spawntimer like this and cracked etbot doesnt have working chams qq
etHook then or w/e, definitely nC bot
ethook doesnt work on tzac
its either etBot or Bimbot(polish version of etBot)
bimbot is cool but its not working properly on tzac
nice admitting to bust :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Get stomach cancer
Quotecracked etbot doesnt have working chams

it does \o/

ur just bad at doing it
has zaba's whoremother's HIV been detected yet? and have you detected the outworld yet?
voted no because ET is free.
you got a beer on lan from me
i voted no not for you :D
nothing is free in our life, for example facebook is not free because you pay with your information.
I doubt that 1-2 euros per face will keep TZAC alive lol.
Vote yes for tzac!
voted yes for tzac!
<zAAba> fuck man only
<zAAba> 23% no in tzac poll
<zAAba> if he adds it
<zAAba> i will qwuit
<zAAba> cba spending 2euro on et
<zAAba> LOL
Why do people even communicate to cancer?
besides all his cheating etc, he's a nice guy if you know him :-P
hahahaha nice troll :D like a pole would have 2e

<zAAba> if he adds it
<zAAba> i will qwuit

Quit what exactly?
its not like you´re playing the game the software is doing it for you you retarded polish trash
i have to aim so
ye you still nab, u should quit.
What kind of retard are you?
One that none of us here on Crossfire can fathom.
Guys......As you can see chaplja is only interested in making money out of it.
Paying a sms is not smart. Why? As far as i know, x % belongs to state/service provider. Rather use the donator thing as mandatory.

But still, chaplja wants money out of it. Even if everyone agrees and pays for it, what happens when the money ends?
I would only agree to that if there is some contract behind that. He does the math and say something like "i will keep the service alive for 2 years, then people have to re-pay" it would be alright.
around 50% belongs to the provider
+1 that is exactly my point my little hairy :)

also i dont understand that guy, i think we cannot trust chaplja.

he said on the start of slac that he is proud and happy to make it since he like ET much and all the bullshit (not talking about money) and now its only reliable to money???

eventho politian do it all the time, i don't think that money stealer is a polititian...

if everyone pay, we will still have no good upgrade (like in the 4/5 last month or even more) and still a lot of cheaters at ET... Then when each ppls are being "stole" he will say blabla not enough money, ill quit it definitely.
+ we are still missing the Linux client which he said to release last year.
Tralalala now it can be purely a LAN game!
Why this sudden change? I thought chaplja was already decided and nothing that we say or do will make him withdraw his decision. Or was that journal for the CF competition or to win the "Attention whore title of the year"?

I'm just curious...tell me chapm8 :)
hey cmon! there were people talking that he can't make business where are those people now?
Chaplja going to become a l33t businessman. U mad Bill Gates?
1) Tell everyone you stop doing something important
2) Read comments from people where they ask you to go on with this thing
3) Genius idea (in this case: pay per sms for an anticheat for a free game)
4) Profit
Attention whore most likely

Posted by chaplja on 24 Oct 2012 18:48:26

I don't need any percent, for now this is just to see what the users think. I told everyone who emailed me that the poll was terrible last time and they asked me to put it again.
voted no coz i have no cellphone
Arent there many CF that brag about how rich they are ? Get those to donate 100 euro, not rlly anything at all if you are rich.
I use 100 dollar bills as toilet paper, name a prize i will buy the whole tzac and give it away for the community to develop, one day offer ! /q
TZAC, now sponsored by cocaine.
you are right, speedy bozar said he earned much more money than my parents did their whole life.

get speedy bozar back and tzac will be alive!
lol indeed :D
There's few requirements I'd need met before I would pay anything:
- Get rid of the constant lag spikes caused by tzac
- Have a trustworthy team/company back this up with some legal shit
- Various methods of payment
- Support for other mods too, not just etpro

With those requirements met, I could pay 1€.
"- Get rid of the constant lag spikes caused by tzac"

never experienced this, never heard anyone playing with me whine about this. sounds like bullshit.
It's the same as the PB lag people whined about. I never noticed any PB lag, only when CB began to fuck up with their GV shit. But I do have lag spikes when playing with tzac.

I think it's a driver problem or what so ever and wont effect everybody playing with tzac. But I've heard several others complain about it too.
by any chance, do you play any game with PB ?

Look at your process ^^
I dont play any game besides ET and LoL, and no the PB services aren't running on startup ;) And I dont notice any lag when I'm not running tzac (well sometimes I do but it's bcuz my housemate is downloading with torrents)
It's true though. I don't experience lag in any other mod, or non tzac server. I don't have pb installed or anything, so the cause is 100% tzac.
but it must be something related to you because there are never people whining about this.
Fuck you matt
speedy bozar said he earned much more money than my parents did their whole life.

get speedy bozar back and tzac will be alive!
Posted by chaplja on 24 Oct 2012 18:48:26

I don't need any percent, for now this is just to see what the users think. I told everyone who emailed me that the poll was terrible last time and they asked me to put it again.
While the poll results look good, I'm guessing a lot of people who are voting yes won't actually pay if it comes to pass.

A more serious way to get this done would be to use some service like Kickstarter, that way the people voting "yes" are actually laying their money on the line if there's enough interest. Something like a "if x of money is committed, then chaplja will continue to develop TZAC for a year". This lets chaplja be confident he'll get money before he commits to working on it.

You might imagine a scenario where the poll results are good enough to continue, chaplja says "ok, TZAC lives, pay up" but only a hundred people actually pay — not enough to support the development. Suddenly chaplja has a bunch of a money people have paid, not enough to actually support the development, that he'd have to somehow return or just keep for himself without continuing development. At least a Kickstarter would avoid that mess, because people would only pay once it was confirmed there were enough supporters actually paying.

That method would also let the leagues keep TZAC support, because you wouldn't need to pay to use it — so long as enough other people chipped in to cover the costs of development/hosting.

Either way, I don't think there will be enough people willing to actually pay.
if it's less than 10 euros per head, is it that much of a deal ?

Been playing this game for ages, entertainment with video games is never free, except for mongols ^^
Why wouldn't someone who took their time to develop something so that YOU could continue to play the game you love for FREE not have the right to expect a little back.

€1-2 per head isn't going to upset anyones bank account.

ET would be dead if it wasn't for Chapljas input for the last couple of years. Stop whining.
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