ET teams for RTCW CUP!

The Cup is approaching now, and we need more ET teams, oldschoolers etc i know there are many out there who has been playing this game and truly loves it. We will be playing maps that is the same as in ET like ice, frostbite, beach, base etc :D so no need to change your et tacts.

* Signups closing at 28th of october on sunday!

Cup link:

download link:
they're scared
I have the legit version of rtcw but I can't remember how to setup patchez n such d:
sign ups so far?
24 signups so far, I would say 8-10 are legit maybe 11/12 at a huge stretch.
Just checking you:

Playing for sure

1. Highbot
2. Cave coh
3. OverPowered
4. Knö I Hörn
5. one soldier
6. badazz
7. xeimos

Unsure about
9. Sterk Door Inzet
11. ###GATE TO HELL###

12. DEFCON 1
13. Descent USA
14. Naturally Gifted
15. tehbirdz USA
16. Wolfenstein 4 Ever

Not signed up yet, but i think who will play

17. Fallanx
18. Amnesia (kylie insomnia, ramzi etc)

Not playing for sure (correct me if im wrong, please give your lineup then too :D)

Irritable. Spain
#UnforGiven Group Netherlands
#UnforGiven Multigaming Netherlands
TerrorMachine - Gaming
UseMF Finland
so you have ubik listed as not playing for sure because?
1 or 2 years agor ther was an rtcw cup where 22 or 23 cups signed up. Twister organized this one... Obviously almost all of them ware ET teams. U guys ware ther im almost sure. U made one match, got raged, and never showed up again... Thats exacly what we r NOT looking for this cup. maybe its my mistake but im pretty sure at least u ware on that team... just saying...
I have never been involved in an EU rtcw cup. ZeD asked me to enter a team so I did.
listen, diddent you see that line next to "not playing for sure?"

We learned from the past that loads of clans who signed up, but who are not really praccing for the cup will drop out fast or dont have 6 people at all. But i would love to see that this cup everything is different. It would be great to have much clans having fun, and enjoying this old game once again.

so what would be your lineup?
ZeD asked me to a enter a team so I did. Team is full of Aussie players that still play rtcw + Canada bN (animal).

you are just assuming we are not going to play, but you dont know that for sure
see comment above
i dont care, im just saying
might be avi, if someone needs(hint: i think i have rtcw key somewhere but barely played it) :D
you could lead a team :)
+ it's a free game now, just generate an et key with the etkeygen.exe in the pack and it will work on rtcw
I will try to get some ppl together tonight! i will inbox u guys about making a team!
and who is going to lead this bunch? :D
i might be avi, if someone need a player
you aint using my key!
Quote it's a free game now, just generate an et key with the etkeygen.exe in the pack and it will work on rtcw
I know this sherlock! in the past he played rtcw with my steam account. :D
You cheap fuck, I have my own.

Thanks anyway.
tengo a 4 jugadores seguros, necesito que reclutes a mas gente, asi jugamos en servidor americano con 148 ping!
Le voy a preguntar al Switer y nozz, Quizas se anoten.
im avi, crab wont let me play with them :{

you are never online mofo!
would be avi for this if there is a good bunch of players to play with (people I already know)

I have only played a little of RtCW MP so I'll most likely be terrible, but could be fun!

too lazy to type it myself
avi for cup
iam avi for this!
avi for team :)
i think rtcw dont need any mixed et teams :/
What I meant was that there are certainly some et clans that might have the time to play one rtcw game a week!
But i get what u mean! :)
I am avi for this!
Avi! need to know atleast some of the guys..
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