[LoL]Update and Carry

LoL has been updated once again, new items and some champs have been nerfed (f.e. Ezrael).

Need someone to carry me (lvl 12) through some games, I'm playing either AP (Morgana), AD (Graves) or support (f2p, Soraka).

Add me on EUwest: Rayzed2512

Twisted Treeline has been remade!

New layout and reworked jungle that will push the pace of champion encounters.
New altar control objective and boss, Vilemaw.
New environmental art, monster skins, music, and sound.
New Twisted Treeline items (details are subject to change)
*NEW ITEM* Blackfire Torch
Recipe: Kage's Lucky Pick + Catalyst
Total gold cost: 2890 (combine cost: 800)
+50 Ability Power
+300 Health
+350 Mana
Unique Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds (effect halfed for AoE and and damage over time).
*NEW ITEM* Wooglet's Witchcap
Recipe: Needlessly Large Rod
Total gold cost: 2700 (combine cost: 1100)
+100 Ability Power
Unique Passive: +10% Movement Speed
Unique Passive: Increases Ability Power by 25%.
*NEW ITEM* Overlord's Bloodmail
Recipe: Giant's Belt + Ruby Crystal
Total gold cost: 2565 (combine cost: 980)
+850 Health
Unique Passive: On kill or assist, heal 200 HP over 5 seconds.
*NEW ITEM* Lord Van Damm's Pillager
Recipe: Heart of Gold + Brutalizer
Total gold cost: 2962 (combine cost: 800)
+40 Attack Damage
+350 Health
Unique Passive: 10% Cooldown Reduction
Unique Passive: 10% Spell Vamp
*NEW ITEM* Grez's Spectral Lantern
Recipe: Madred's Razors
Total gold cost: 1200 (upgrade cost: 200)
+25 Attack Damage
+30 Armor
Unique Passive: Your basic attacks against minions and monsters have a 20% chance to deal 300 bonus magic damage.
Unique Active: A stealth-detecting mist grants vision in the target area for 10 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
*NEW ITEM* Wicked Hatchet
Recipe: Cloak of Agility + Long Sword
Total gold cost: 1955 (combine cost: 710)
+20 Attack Damage
+18% Critical Strike Chance
Unique Passive: Your basic attacks inflict Grievous Wounds on enemy champions, causing 50% reduced healing and regeneration for 1.5 seconds.
*NEW ITEM* Blade of the Ruined King
Recipe: Bilgewater Cutlass
Total gold cost: 2825 (upgrade cost: 1000)
+40 Attack Damage
+10% Life Steal
Unique Passive: Your attacks deal 4% of the target's current health in magic damage and heals you for half the amount (120 max vs. minions).
Unique Active: Drains target champion, dealing 150% physical damage plus 50% of your attack damage and healing you by the same amount. Additionally, you steal 30% of their movement speed for 2 seconds (1 minute cooldown).
*NEW ITEM* Ichor of Rage
Gold cost: 500
Click to Consume: Grants 20-42 Attack Damage based on champion level, 20-42% Attack Speed based on champion level, and 15% increased damage to Turrets for 4 minutes.
*NEW ITEM* Ichor of Illumination
Gold cost: 500
Click to Consume: Grants 30-64 Ability Power based on champion level, 15% Cooldown Reduction, and a huge boost to mana and energy regeneration for 4 minutes.


Base Health reduced to 518 from 568
Health per level reduced 95 from 100


Agony’s Embrace Ability Power ratio reduced to +1% every 100 Ability Power from +1% every 50 Ability Power


Essence Flux no longer reduces enemy champion Attack Speed


Thundering Blow
No longer deals any flat base damage (still deals % Max Health damage and has a bonus Attack Damage ratio)
Fixed: Stun no longer sometimes lasts beyond the knockback duration
Acceleration Gate mana cost increased to 50 from 30


Fixed: Shield of Daybreak's cooldown now matches its tooltip (11/10/9/8/7 seconds)


Fixed: Mace of Spades now damages wards properly


Fixed: Devastating Blow now damages wards properly


Base Health Regeneration reduced to 4 from 8
Health Regeneration per level reduced to 0.4 from 0.8
Bonetooth Necklace no longer grants a base +10 Attack Damage
Savagery Empowered Attack Damage ratio reduced to 2.0 from 2.5
Thrill of the Hunt
Stealth duration reduced to 5 seconds from 7
Cooldown increased to 140/105/70 seconds from 120/85/50


Crystalline Exoskeleton Cooldown increased to 18 seconds from 14
Impale will no longer finish casting if the target escapes the range during the cast time


Base Health reduced to 410 from 450
Base Armor reduced to 9 from 11


Force of Will
Now grabs nearest Dark Sphere in range if no valid target selected
Grab time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.33
Throw commands given during the grab time now execute immediately after the grab finishes
Fixed a bug where minions/Dark Spheres being pulled could get stuck on terrain
Scatter the Weak
Dark Spheres that have nearly finished casting will now get knocked back once they arrive
Fixed a bug where units hit by both Scatter the Weak and an affected Dark Sphere would be knocked back but not stunned
Unleashed Power
Spell shields will now only block a single sphere rather than the entire spell
Now also pulls in spheres cast just before the start of Unleashed Power
Fixed a bug where Unleashed Power would go on cooldown if the target died before the cast animation completed


Explosive Shot Cast Range now matches her Attack Range (including per level increases from her passive Draw a Bead)
Fixed: Rocket Jump now is more reliable when used around terrain
Buster Shot mana cost reduced to 100 from 140


Rabid Bite Mana Cost decreased from 40 to 30
Contaminate's cast animation no longer locks Trundle out of using other abilities

Twisted Fate

Fixed: Pick a Card now damages wards properly


Ward Skins
Harrowing Ward skins will be available to unlock in the store in the Ward Skins tab.
Unlocking a ward skin allows you to use it in game for the next 7 days.
Multiple weeks can be stacked for an individual ward skin.
When activated in the store, ward skins cosmetically change both sight and vision wards in-game.
Deathfire Grasp
No longer grants Cooldown Reduction
Active base damage reduced to 15% current Health from 25%
Ability Power ratio increased to 5% per 100 Ability Power from 4%
Slow duration reduced to 2 seconds from 2.5
Slow for ranged attacks reduced to 20% from 30%
Trinity Force
Slow for ranged attacks reduced to 25% from 35%
Frozen Mallet
Fixed: Slow duration now correctly lasts for 2.5 seconds instead of 2
Hextech Sweeper
New Recipe: Amplifying Tome + Kindlegem
Total gold cost: 1435 (combine cost: 150)
Ability Power reduced from 40 to 25
Active effect increased from 6 second duration to 10 seconds.

Co-op vs. AI

Cho'gath bot will now increase the damage of Vorpal Spikes when he levels it up.
Veigar bot will now appear on intermediate difficulty in Co-op vs AI for all maps.
Fixed a bug where Summoner's Rift bots would occasionally get stuck on the summoning platform after respawn if enemy champions were nearby
Fixed a bug where Kayle Bot would idle while trying to attack enemy minions
Bots now properly factor untargetable enemy turrets in threat calculations, making it harder to get them stuck between towers.


The Dragon's burning damage will no longer disrupt players from Recalling
Game tips and interesting facts will now be displayed on the loading screen and at the start of some matches
The mini-scoreboard will no longer block right clicks from issuing champion orders.
Item cooldowns will now be displayed in a similar color blue to spell cooldowns.
The blue overlay for spells on cooldown has been slightly lightened.
Locking the camera on a champion will now persist through that champion's deaths.
Added a hotkey for switching between items and gold on the scoreboard.
Directed camera algorithms have been improved for Twisted Treeline.
API for Manual Recommended Items Overrides now works correctly with all champions and also works correctly even if the character changes forms prior to opening the shop for the first time, like Udyr
Fuck new items are here already?
Yeah, I'm really looking foward to a new build for Morgana, that Blackfire Torch and the Wooglet's Witchcap seem to be quite nice.
I'd have liked that they would've introduced one item at the time.

Blackfire Torch: +50 Ability Power +300 Health +350 Mana UNIQUE Passive: Your spells burn for an additional 5% of the target's maximum Health in magic damage over 3 seconds (effect halved for AoE)

Play Singed -> Run around in a teamfight -> teamfight lasts 20 secs -> you've done 20% magic damage + your original damage.
it does absolutly no damage at all (atleast the passive of Blackfire Torch)
twisted treeline mod only :o9, idk if u playing it though!
add raaaazy and query me on irc spLd`raZy when you wanna play

just no
im lvl 3 atm =DD
looking for peeps on the same level as me (17) to progress and learn!
gg Sona is now officially weaker than a melee minion level 1 -.-
Hence you build her AP and harass the fuck out of em :D
fuck Sona, i hate her and her stupid sounds
i bought lee singer and now im just jumping around suiciding
anybody on NORDIC AND EAST, for duo q ?
Add Dommeltje (Euw)
U mad brah cuz I had sexy time???
add: MocroManiac

eu west
new items are only for 3on3 i think
itt scrubs
lvl 15: cRackeRzzz
lvl 30: Slapyahface(main)
lvl 30: The Godless (former main)

add me if you want free winzzzz
this game is fucked up nao was better 2 years ago
The only bad thing about it that there are far too many champs to get to learn now, which sucks especially for new players. Don´t really see any other major negative points.
joa nächste woche kann ich dich wieder carryn ;) bin grad übers wochenende nicht in bremen, also kann ich net zocken
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