RtCW 3on3 ladder!


Lets give it a try !!! Vote for it and also dont forget the Fall Cup 2012!

FFS I'm gonna miss the cup:( but I'll still try and watch some games! :) Oh If you need some more sign ups I suggest you contact some of the old swedish teams like Oss or Ogc, I'm sure they would play. + Would be good if you could link me some good rtcw movies (I'm looking at you Artstar and owaine!)
Hey mate, where've u been? :)
broken pc mate :(
How're you browsing CF? Smartphone/Tab?
When are you buying a new one?
What's broken at it?
najs ZeD

but, what about donations, some prizes to win? otherwise i think cb rtcw ladder will be inactive, and there will be many et mixed teams which just will idle or drop ladder after first lost game

or do you want a ladder just for old #rtcw.wars idlers, and play alltime vs same ppl in a 5-10 teams ladder?
!!!!!! VOTE!
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