
So i watched Skyfall today...

... and i must say its a real James Bond fan feast :-) I just couldnt count all of the previous Bond references :-)

Master acting skill froms Daniel Craig, Judith Dench and my favourite, the villain Javier Bardem :-)

Even tho the movie lasted for almost 2,5 hour i wasnt bored even for a minute, watching lots of action and having lots of lol burst in between :-)

Just cant wait for Bond 24, with M, Q, and Moneypenny :-)

What do you, people, think about the movie?:>

PS. IM a Bond fan, and my view is biased as hell
taken 2 so much better + im not gay
Does Bryan Mills fucks hot girls everyday? Bond does... just like THAT :D

ok, now seriously: didnt see taken2, but first part was really great
In the movie he actually does. case closed
the film is indeed very good but not that intense, you dont have to think. thats why i believe that there isnt any better film than the bourne trilogy where so many unexpected things happen again and again.
going to cinema today to see it
hope i like it and thx for review
Was at cinema yesterday, fantastic!
And those titles, <3!!!
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