Justin Bieber fans trolled hard

I usually dont like people making cancer jokes but this one is a big exception , it made me laugh a lot to read and see this: (will copy paste entire news item)
In short: Rumour got released that Bieber had cancer and fans were encouragin other fans to shave their heads in show of support; big lol

image: biebers

News item:
Hoards and hoards of Justin Bieber devotees got thrown for a loop this week after a couple bad apples on the Internet had the brilliant idea to start a rumor that the pop prince had cancer.

The hoax, Reddit attests, began Tuesday night when a 4channer used something to the tune of the Fake Tweet Builder to generate a tweet supposedly sent from Entertainment Tonight's verified account.

"I was there when we started this shit," added one of the conspirators, redditor ErroneousDylan. "Somebody made a few twitter accounts, we edited Wikipedia, we spammed chat rooms, and we even posted here on Reddit (but it was deleted for lack of evidence). Somebody made a few fake news posts too which were convincing but without a link it wasn't strong enough."

The hooligans made tribute videos played out to the tune of Biebs' big hit "Baby," and they campaigned for support.

They created Facebook pages that read "Justin Bieber has cancer!!!!!!!," and they attracted upwards of 800 allegiants together to debate the implications of a worldwide pop star having cancer.

At one point, one 4channer created a #BaldforBieber hashtag on Twitter and started pushing for fans to shave their heads in solidarity.

Here some more pictures of those who shaved their heads after falling for that joke..
Looks pretty real to me
couldnt care less :D
making ppl do things in reality over the internet...now thats what i call trolling :D

but what i dont get, how did they spoof the tweets from guys like kanye west etc? or did they just create a fake picture of those "tweets" and sent them around ?
probably a fake pic as usual
jesus that makes it even worse...who would ever fall for that
Or maybe a fake-account, duh...
epic shit :D
omg lmfao
12 and dont know whats going on
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