this bitch is crazy

ok i was one there was a meme about some girl named Amanda Bieber (obv beiber isnt her real last name)

look at her tweets for some good laughs, i cant believe people like that exist XD
nutcases like this justify schoolkids going mad with guns in american schools.... what a fucktard :/
i thought her tweets were sarcastic but she is being serious lmao
that awkward moment.....when you realise that yes, that bitch is serious....some of her pictures too....her parents need electric shock therapy.
i just saw her pictures ...i cant believe it.
Amanda Bieber ‏@MandaSwaggie
Gays and immigrants are the reason the US economy is falling apart. Sorry if I sound rude, but it's the truth.

It looks very much the same with a lot of comments from kids/teens that i met here so , is not only in the US that teenagers this days are retarded(most of them) and yea some of the blame can be put on their parents who are to busy to actually take care of them and talk to them, they think that if they buy their kids iphone and ipad and macs and computers and mc donalds sandwiches that s going to be just about enough, they are wrong. The world is more and more fucked up , therefore those who evoluate with it (here goes specially the youth) experience the same problem
You can call me ugly all you want. People have told me I look like Kim Kardashian and she's famous for being hot, so I don't give a fuck.

You can achieve anything if you have swag.

Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus are the only living legends right now.
Amanda Bieber ‏@MandaSwaggie

Am I the only one who has to take a pic of my shit when it looks cool? Like, if it's really big, I ALWAYS take a picture, haha! xD
Amanda Bieber ‏@MandaSwaggie

"Some gays are actually having children. It's not right on paper. It's not right in fact." - Mitt Romney #youhavemyvote

This retard aint even kidding x] She kinda devotes her twitter to express her hate towards gay people, people who believe in a god of some sort and in general to show how retarded she actually she is.
Amanda Bieber ‏@MandaSwaggie

Muslims are honestly wishing each other "Eid Mubarak" or whatever. Mubarak is a terrorist leader of Egypt. This is why I hate muslims.

Are you? I see no difference between she and you so stop being such a hypocrite
are you kidding me dude?
He aint, he's been hating on me since the 13 days he's been at this forum :p
right now he sounds worse that than fucking girl
Meh, wouldnt say that. Her tweets are seriously concerning x] She goes to school and probably has some retarded friends that have the same ideas. She has a shitload of followers aswell, that cant be good man.

This affeldimis guy is just an attentionwhore or smtn.
If I would be an attentionwhore (which btw is a term that defies how mature you are) , you think I would bother to reply to a nobody just for the love of replying?
well, thats what kinda what you are doing now. Or for the love of attention and conversation, which you never actually had with your parents and/or lack of friends. You really should go see a psychologist.
I was not talking to you , but to ironic

edit.:you obvioussly don t read all comments ironic did during time , because maybe he did not replied to you.

Well , if you don t know what am I talking about don t talk at all.

Also yea, this girl and many of you here are the same for me. So no matter how mad you go on this, I could not care less , cause I said it many times Cf is full of idiots and if I made some mistakes and when I made those mistakes, I appologized. I haven t seen others doing the same, there must be a lot of perfect people here.
QuoteCf is full of idiots

If you'd leave, you'd do us all a favour
Nevermind DKZ, I'm pretty sure it's unforgiven. He can't help it.
Seriously, who the fuck are you. You'll never see me making these retarded comments. And if I make a comment which is near this retardness, you can be 100% that I'm making a joke.

And ever since I noticed your name here, you've been flaming people for no reason.

Lives in Anonymous 0

13 days

If you make some statements you should back it up. I can show you print screens of some of your comments , I just have to search over the last 2 years and a half, it would be a waste of time but it would proove my point. Assuming that I should be 100% that you re making a joke when you are a racist and so on , well just let me tell you that your jokes suck ,also let me tell you that maybe she jokes as well, to see the people reaction , so what gives you the right to judge? Again I can say there is no difference in this aspect between her and you.

Please let me know with printscreens where and when I flamed people for no reason or if I flamed them at all , assuming that they are innocent towards me.

And serioussly , does it matter where I live and how old is my cf profile? We don t judge people based on that we judge them based on their thaughts and way of be

p.s. even your name is ironic
She aint making jokes, you can tell that from all of her tweets where she is being serious as fuck. You don't even know me and you have some serious problems by thinking that you can judge me with some comments on a gaming-forum, where everybody makes, sometimes pretty stupid, jokes. Get a grip please.

Why the fuck would I take the time to make print screens? I'm seriously not bothered.

Well, your THAUGHTS are pretty fucking retarded, I don't even know you and you started to replying to me that I'm an idiot of some sort. Just fuck off and leave this site.

p.s. no shit sherlock.
You are an idiot towards me. I don t judge what you speak to other people. I dont know you since 13 days but a lot more. You ve always been a racist and a moron towards me. It don t matter this is a gaming site , you should still have those 7 years of home education but obvioussly you don t. Get polite if you reply again or get lost.
Ah, you're unforgiven right?

Well, you kinda brought that on yourself by acting like a retard.

Brought what on myself? You can t do anything to me , so what exactly I brought on myself?
You are a racist here and polite on twitter? You have a lot of logic not to mention common sense. I bet your parents don t read the shit you write here don t they?
You brought the flame on yourself by acting like a retard and an idiot. I'm not a racist but I find you very annoying, I called you a gypsy and some other stuff to get you mad and to try to shut you up just because you act very fucking annoying.

I also find it weird that you keep flaming CF users, but you keep making new profiles on this site, you just keep comming back. It's fucked up man, don't you think?

And no, my parents dont read gaming forums.
Ok this is the main thing that you claim: I m acting like a retard (let s ignore the rude term , and can you please explain what exactly that means) so the best way in showing me that I m wrong is to make me mad by calling me a gypsi(which btw was not the only thing you said). This is your clever ideea of making some one to shut up? Never occure through your clever mind that perhaps you can find something more inteligent to tell me to make me shut up?

The truth is that I acted like a retard in response to the way you and others acted towards me from the day 1. Stop the fire with fire is not always the best way of solving things but sometimes is the only one you have left.

Do you noticed something common from my first 2 ideas? If not , let me enlight you: WE BOTH ACTED LIKE RETARDS , THE ONLY DIFFERENCE RIGHT NOW BETWEEN ME AND YOU IS THAT YOU STILL ACTING LIKE A RETARD!

P.s. I m not flaming anyone anymore , I just try to let you know you doing some things wrong and all of the sudden is " I act like a retard" so you have a reason to be like that girl. Hope you finnally understand. I have to make new profiles cause admins are very nice here and they miss me.
QuoteStop the fire with fire

Its fighting fire with fire.

Have a good day, please stop replying to me now, you're seriously annoying me now.
This is internet not grammar school. Get over your so called inteligence , get real and put your feet back on the ground. I know prostitutes that has less arrogance than you got , boy.
can you please get the fuck out of my journal, k thanks
No i can t get the fuck out of your journal , is kinda weird to ask me this. Cause your journal is not a private thing.
unforgiven, who else
ye, found that out after his third reply or smtn. A bit slow, I'm sick :{
get well soon ^^ he's banned now btw, but he'll be back soon prolly as usual
Thanks :) Been walking around with pneumonia for some days now, didnt went to see the doctor till yesterday, just thought it was some kinda flu x] Antibiotics making it worse now tho, atleast it feels like it :{

oh look, unforgiven is back.
Sorry you re sick , I hope you ll get better soon and You ll be back with more gypsi stuff to keep me motivated in my replies towards you.
Thanks for another pointless ban. It seems that is still illegal to express a point of view on this website without affecting some kiddie egos.
some stupid bitch making retarded comments to get attention, wow thats new on the internet
I always wonder how that kinda people get so many followers
curse of the inet :< Idiots instead of being laughed at group together and think they are cool
this is a another level of attention whore
Amanda Bieber ‏@MandaSwaggie

If you believe in God then you're most definitely homosexual.
Best troll NA
my feeling tells me its just a troll
me too but if shes doing for attention, shes doing a great job
yeah almost had the urge to comment but i didnt :p
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