
A major event in the gaming world/industry , and yet not even a single article/news/or a pitty journal about it. How come?

cos nobody gives a shit? i dunno what dreamhack is nor do i care
Dreamhack > that shit lan you played at
People are always posting journals about the games like cs , lol or sc2. How come they give a shit when it happends elsewhere but if it happends in Romania and it s able to compete with any similar event nobody gives attention ? I don t think your argument is good , considering that it comes from a statistician and a professional gamer.
Couldn't care less about either of these games tbh. This ain't the right site for esports shit anyways.
Ok mate, it seems you are in a bad mood, cba to argue with you now.
i never stopped believing people like you actually do exist(who see beyong mass-media and bad advertising) , looks like i was right :]

fuckin stupid mongols who know nothing about Romania nor Eastern Europe
Think there was some news about it when the summer dreamhack was on.. Was just dissappointed that there aint ever news about fighting games ):
You post them!!
And I'm dissapointed there there aint ever news about football games ): So thats FIFA only, cuz PES is a cancer game.
that was on androits lan weekend. why post it now?
all attention was in the Adroits obviously. ET > everything else duh
Wasnt a big Dreamhack by their standards
By whom standards? What it needs to be done to be "big" ? I say with the amount of players, game,viewers , and the musical event by Parazitii it was a "big enough " gaming event . As much as I understand with CF4 you want to attract new viewers, well ...I guess people should give some attention to the South -East Europe gaming side, only thing I saw here posted is the Polish ET Lan. There are a lot of good gamers in other countries than England, The NL, Scandinavic Countries or France.
wait, you actually listen Parazitii ? :o
By Dreamhacks standards!
How is it possible you know that ? I refuse to believe what you saying simply cause I know for sure it was a success. Serioussly man, you have such a weird mentality.

I can back up what I said by presenting you a lot of online articles about it. What do you have as back up for what you said?
How many dreamhacks have you been to?
Ok, I guess all the things I read from real gaming journalists, people that write articles in magazines like Level or Pc Gaming, were just lies. I m going to write them an answer and tell them that Tosspot Stuard from England said the Dreamhack from Bucharest was not on Dreamhack standards, and that the event was to low to be presented here. Obvioussly they have to try harder next time to satisfy the needs of certain people. I also heard UK is determined to leave EU , I guess I should not be very surprised.
Please do write to those journalists and quote them viewership figures, attendance figures and prizemoney figures. I think once you've done this research you'll realise that you're fucking retarded to arguing this long about something you're wrong about.

Good luck! Looking forward to your responses.
Maybe in those articles I read there is already presended viewership , attendance figures and prizemoney figures. Read something about one of the best teams in CS , (Anexis I think) , read something about 4000 euros, read something about tickets sold more than it was expected, read something being the first major gaming event in Romania , read something about those who organised the event to be satisfied. So please , don t try to insult me(makes your "stylish " e sport contributor and gentleman figure look like another mad tourette kid) cause you are the owner of this so called gaming comunity where you allow bullying which is illegal(I did it too after I dropped my cool down and embraced the general spirit , for which I m sorry ) , where you allow false trolling and so less, so less related to actual gaming around the world. You fail hard . And don t worry I will send this journalists , print screens of our conversation, and I m really courious what they will say about both of us.
I'm a Chelsea fan, I think Chelsea are the best. You're Romanian, you think Dreamhack Romania is the best.

Unfortunately when I look at the Chelsea trophy cabinet I am proven wrong. When you go to a small town in Sweden with 10k people at Dreamhack Sweden, I look forward to your response.

Good Luck.
Mister Stuard , before you started to reply , have you even considered reading the lines I wrote in this journal? Please show me that line where I claim that Dreamhack Romania is the best ; I just asked how come there is not a single journal , not even dare to mention article, about this event? Romania or not Romania is still Dreamhack, and yes we are poor compared to NL or UK (looking forward to see you out of UE), so it is kinda expected that a Dreamhack organised in Romania to have less money invested and less money in prizes than your country or some other western rich country. Don t you find that fuckin logical? But to imply that is not worth to write few lines about it, specially by you (heard people calling you god of et or the person that will change e-sports), well son I m dissapointed. Let s end the conversation here, when I will have time , hope soon enough, I will send a short story and link to those journalists (in case I find their emails ) , and that not to proove a single thing to you , cause I don t care about you at all, but to see if this people have the same mentality like you do.

p.s. great mind you have when you compared one of the few countries in Europe that was not strike by the crisis since 2008 till now, and you compare it with Romania. You sir is very smart !! Don t bother to reply to me that the town you mentioned in Sweden got only 10k as you call it , and Bucharest got 2 or 3 mil, dont know exactly, point is that Sweden is one of the richest countries in the world/Europe and Romania one of the poorest, so unless you can come with some logical arguments, please continue this conversation with some 15 year old fan.
Reread my responses, Its not a big event by Dreamhacks standards. You might say otherwise, you clearly think you're right. Good luck on your mission just stay away from sharp objects.
You are not in the position to judge what Dreamhack thinks about their own standards. This is your personal oppinion. Your sarcasm is very low, and obvioussly you have more sarcasm than inteligence and you trying to compensate one by using the other. I just finished sending links from this journal, to several journalists and forums, let s see what kind of feedback Tosspot will receive: positive, negative or indiference. The worst scenario is that maybe I did some free advertising to your comunity. Have a nice day and stay out of the rain, you might get wet.
If you want to advertise yourself and your mistakes to more people, congratulations. Anyone who reads this who knows anything about how big Dreamhack Sweden really is will understand.

You're talking about the biggest BYOC event in the world, their standards are pretty big! This is the same company that ran the biggest SC2 event this year to date by stream numbers (WCS Europe Finals) and operates all over the world. Good luck telling them that this event was just as big :)
I dont want to advertise myself, because nobody in the romanian e sport journalism or romanian online comunities knows who sinperdon is. What I fight for here is not myself but a little bit respect and recognition for Romania and romanians in generally. You perhaps have no ideea , that I have been doing this since I joined this comunity and have been confronting witht the wall that teenagers and seems like, not only them, have build in their minds about South East Europe. Calling us gypsies, is one of the aspects, but lets not deviate from topic.

"Master" Stuart, this journal has only 1 line in it , written in english, hope that without grammar mistakes, and yet you can t understand one simple line in your own native language? All I wanna know is why there was not even a single thing written by anybody here about this event. I never said D R is as big as D S and I believe I even gave logical arguments why. So how come you end up beating the same horse over and over again? It happend in Romania? It did...so deal with it. Even if it was a negative thing somebody would have written , it should have been done. It was not, so perhaps you are not ready to enlarge this comunity horizont to anything else but ET.

Pls stop twisting out my words. Repeat: Never implied that it was big or small. It just was.

what games are being played? if it were games people on this site care about I'm sure they would've posted a newspost or journal about it.
Man don t be superficial. The games played are presented on the web page . And yes, there are games I read a lot of journals here, and there will still be written a lot . Check the web page before asking pointless questions.
I don't visit .ro website sorry m8

May I ask why sir?
i read superdindon
XDDDD t'es con :D
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