Series, gief some

seen these, any good ones that are must see? Please no any faggot anime/cartoon shit seriesor any boring shit like house

image: coke-white-bitches
Game of Thrones
disco party in brussel next week, i need your hair to entertain drunkards
Tuesday evening, from 20.00 to ~23.00, ULB, then you gotta come with me to the next party (TD Halloween omg omg boobies random drunk chicks omg beer on your hair olodmfxgpxmtgmfxpdmfpgfgpgfppgmp) + picture of you lying in your vomit :)))
TD Halloween ? Count me in!

Really? We definitely have to meet up then :p
j'ai envie d'y croire. Stu viens dans le coin je te smash la tête dans du vomis de chat

this made me laugh
Family Guy
Two and a half men
Cleveland Show
House M.D.
The walking dead
Anger Management
Breaking Bad
True Blood
Game of thrones
White Collar
Still a nerd, so expected.
breaking bad, entourage, game of thrones, rome, big bang theory, the unit, the shield

tahts what i saw last 12 months, maybe some more, btu cant remember atm
well, guess that's one way to spend the weekend :/
is there any decent site to watch those online with good quality? :d
Parent *
very nice site, thanks
jdramas, /msg maza
Grimm, Fringe, Boss, Arrow
link aint working for me.

I've heard that The Walking Dead and New Girl are enjoyable. Arrow is cool, 3 episodes so far. Still enjoying The Big Bang Theory. Breaking Bad obv. White Collar is nice aswell. Nikita is cool and pretty decent imo. Alot of people like Game Of Thrones, so do I but the episodes are so freaking long :{
GoT episodes are too short you mean, right?
Well, I kinda stopped watching them, don't know why. Probably going to pick it up next week again x] But I like the episodes rather short, comedyshows ~20 minutes and everything else ~30/40 minutes.
the thing with GoT is that they try to compress 1000pages into 10 episodes of 1h each.
the series barely manages to keep up with the story but discards everything that makes the books such an immersive story.
i wouldnt even bother watching the episodes. its just frustrating cause you get the idea that there is this awesome and very complexe story being told but you only ever scratch the surface of plots before it moves on.
ive never been so disappointed with a film/series based on a book.
I guess most people never read the book then, because the majority is really enthousiastic about it. I've got to admit, eventho my english is decent, I have a hard time following the serie sometimes due to the loads of different accents.

So you suggest me to read the book?
Yes. There are many nice fantasy stories that became big movie franchises (lord of the rings, harry potter, chronicles of narnia, ...) but ive never encountered one where it is so essential to read the books (first).
people are enthusiastic because its a really intriguing story and cause the majortiy of people doesnt read. so they have no clue what they are missing out on. the author can actually write and immerse you into the world, paint very detailed pcitures of characters. in the series you only ever know whats happening but not why. and thats one of the main aspects of the book. every single character has a reason to do what they are doing.
each of the books is roughly 1000 pages and it will take some time to read.
but if you enjoy something its worth doing proplerly.
dont spoil the main story for yourself by watching the series. if you order the collection (books 1-4 out of 5) for 20€ on amazon you have enough reading materials for many more beach holidays to come.
Well, I used to love reading, never found/gave myself the time couple of years tho...
Thanks for the tip!

thats just fking hilarious
This being disappointed with a film/series based on a book is the exact reason why I never want to see the adaption of The Dark Tower by Stephen King. I know a lot of people don't like his stuff but that story he wrote and the worlds he created, the ideas behind the characters etc. are brilliant in my eyes and a series would never be able to replicate those. I guess it's the same with GoT as you said. I never read the books but you can tell that there is so much more to it than you actually see that it makes me wonder what I'm actually missing.

u really say that ppl should watch shit like this? :S

Breaking Bad was good couple first seasons, other than that it sucks cocks these days and is way too boring

New Girl trailer looks decent
I like the serie :D Its easy to watch, dont have to think alot and I always watch it on friday when Im home from school (new DL is available on fridays). So yeh, I like it.

BTW, in Arrow, the coolest thing is the background story which keeps giving you a reason to watch the new episode. The 1v1 fighting scenes are pretty bad tho, don't know why tbh, because I dont think its that hard to make a good fighting scene these days...
Yeah i know Arrow and been following it since the start, its good time spender but not really a keeper
Yeah, indeed. Im going to start watching New Girl now, never seen it before aswell :p
I enjoy big bang theory as an audio-only experience.
i usually have episodes playing in the backround while doing something else.
its the only show i know that doesnt suffer from not actively watching it.
Indeed. You can easily miss some episodes without actually missing something important :o] Which makes it so easy to watch D:
16 episodes of New Girl down, enjoyed it alot i might say, lol.
I've watched the first 6 last night, enjoyed them aswell. Laughed pretty hard at some parts :p
watchlist link aint working for me, but here's some:
Last Resort
Person of interest
Breaking bad
And ofc Game of thrones
you guys have some serious freetime
the newsroom
hell on wheels
boardwalk empire

go on
how i met your mother
Person of Interest
Homeland #1
falling skies
sons of anarchy
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