ET with win8

hi, did anyone already try if ET works without probs on win8?
why would you use win8 ?!!
because you can
because its faster than win7, same looks.
only the boot time is, and you can neglect that if you have an ssd
its more optimized at some other points...

there is also some new stuff pretty useful
benchmarks show its just faster at some points, slower at others: no actual benefit apart from the boot time.
ye like a benchmark is trustable at this time, there still some big influenced updates to increase its potential.
currently the benchmarks aren't in favor of win8 so currently there is no reason to upgrade.
true that. Im prolly one of the last that will update to win8 since i dont like to reinstall much and dont think the pros/cons of win8 are worth it to switch.
Win8 is crap :)
inafter "win8 is crap"
I heard cod4 does not work fine yet, so i guess ET wont either. Same engine. And then we have tzac that has to work;p
ET Works fine, but TZAC isnt working -_-

About win8 in general: The new features did not really impress met yet, but overal its just the same as win7 + the new features. Some of them are good, but nothing shocking.
ET and tzac worked in win 8 beta atleast when i tested it :p
i am still useing windows 2000 and its working fine
I thaught you are on windows 95 :D
et works fine, tzac also.
yep, why? shouldnt it?
gonna get win8 soon :D
u gonna hate metro, get start8 or classic shell :)
at the beta it used to work properly.
it works fine
Looks crappy and with ssd i have no need for the extra speed, also got no probs with win7 so far, ALSO i dont play ET
ALSO you are a retard <3
ok thx so i'll give win 8 a try since i have to format my disk anyway
it works, but not "fine".
When i tried it both tzac and et worked, but et gets massive lags, probably because of metro UI which uses a ton of ram.
You could do a lot of tweaks and disable the useless stuff and you could run et without fps lags, but then again why would u waste all that time doing it , you would end basically with win7...
I recommend to anyone not to waste money upgrading, its a rlly shitty OS , probably one of the worst stuff i tried.
Download a cracked version , try it, and well if u like it (dumbass) then go waste money and upgrade.
Win7 > Win8 by far.
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