the best hacker ever

So, I was just spectating my boys (techno-only) playing 2on2 against some finns and already on the first map I noticed something strange in the enemies actions. They were clearly using something and all the spectators said the same.
3rd map for the best show of wh. Nethi is more obvious, but Zeeta was also weird.
Seems very obvious when I was spectating him with r_shownormals 1

Tzac accounts: Nethi Zeeta

I hope some of you could watch it.

Thanks in advance.
I did some research on Nethi. He didn't add his TZAC to his clanbase profile, hor has someone ever played with that nickname. No IP matches. Ask Jurno/Geffi for TZAC ID.
QuoteSeems very obvious when I was spectating him with r_shownormals 1

dont take this for much though, everyone looks obvious with r_normals if they have even half an idea whats going on.

Could make a whole fragmovie of 'busted' clips from Suiy if I had shownormals 1 on
yeah but suiy really is cheating scum
Maybe you could check his playing to know what I'm talking about.
yeah, sometimes i even try to track through walls because fuck yeah
it helps much when you are pre shooting, most of the time when faggots lean just pre shoot before they can shoot/move
sometimes u even try to play with actual cheats
if by sometimes you mean years ago, yes definitely
ive watched myself with shownormals and thats quite hilarious but if they were really that good ask someone to take a closer look and or pm chappy
2 weeks old gtv account, says enough
I bet they all cheat and this match/post is some kind of advertisement for private hacks :/
Zeeta cheating too check end of suppy when zeeta is sniping and aiming through supplys east wall :DD + many other obvious aiming though stones, walls etc... especially in 3rd map (supply)

oh and i heard that nethi got several tzac accounts...
+ and i know those guys that good that zeeta is like 14years old kid and that nethi is like 15 and for ages they' ve been like low- and suddenly that kind of aim + that preshoot... :DDD
Kiitti ku kehut mun aimia mut ei mulla bottia ollu. Ja iät meni pieleen molemmilta.
HIenoo snipausta seinän läpi :DD
Eiks ollu iha hiano? :D
"I thank for the title for being the best hacker ever, even though it didn't require a lot, but I guess its too much for your IQ to be able to bypass an anti-cheat like TZAC. Cheers! "

- nethi

e. "Nah, actually I'm clean, just fooling around with some friend speccing, if you know what I mean"

- nethi
Oh god you are so smart cause you have found a cheat what tzac cant detect! Congratulations to both of you! :)

Should click on the reply button bro :D
cheating on tzac since 2010 gg
Hey, wanna play against us sometime ?
iha rauhassa slepa
Kuka sano etten olis :D toi jätkä on vaa nii saatanan retardi :DDDD mutta mitäpä voi kakaroilta odottaa :p
Vittu perkele
np makes no diffrence against me, i kill them before their huminized aimbot shoots because im more obvious then their bot allows them to be :D
bust based on demo. feels so 2008/2009 all over again.
Should do that more often
i know that feel bro
Hi, you died yesterday by the ult of karthus against Hafu :D
i know that feel bro
ei vittu ku on vihasia nörttejä liikkeellä :XD
spottailin samaa, sehän onki maailmanloppu jos joku enää nykysi vaivautuu koodaamaan ETssä, niin "iso" homma tuo injectaaminen jo että huhhuh, oispa vaa kuten 2009 ja koodit käyntii ja menoks.
2k12 ja ostaa botin..
implikoi että ostin botin
sanoit:"Zeeta ei ostanut bottia", kun olit meidän ts kannulla. Joten sää vissiin sitten oot ostanu.
niin, kysyitte että mitä käytti ja sanoin että ei ostanut(en puhunut mitään ilmaseksi saamisesta huomioi se) joten arguementtisi on invaliidi kuten sinäkin
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