Morning journal ~ 31/10/2012

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Good morning CF!

As it has been a while since there has been an intelligent and constructive morning journal, and since I didn't make a journal in ages, I decided to make one.


is a casual day for me. Got a shift from 09:00 to 16:36; reading my beloved Crossfire, chatting with my friends on IRC (, and taking calls from time to time..
After work I was supposed to go to the Kinepolis, to watch some horror movies during the whole night, but mate can't pick me up so now I'm left with nothing. Belgium Ding, if you read this, let me know if something's planned tonight!


I quit gaming, living the life like a proper young lad now.
From the 10th, till the 14th of December, I will be in London with the Mrs, doing a city trip. :)
If you ain't too far, and you'd like to meet me; this is you chance! *WINK WINK KAMZ*
I'll be studying for my big-ass exam as well (Central Examination, Jury Central in french, Middenjury in dutch), which includes stuff from 5th and 6th year in one exam. Gonna be really tough :(
And in a far future, I'm maybe going to move hehe getting mature 'n shit :))


HOW is your day like?
WHAT will you do for Halloween tonight?
WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love?
WHAT do you think about Halloween? Do you think we should celebrate it like they do in the USA?

Have a nice day Crossfire, I love you.

Ffs bbzzzzzz

I think we should all meet up and recreate LAN
all the uk boys gogogoo
very nice day, waiting for my new pc to arrive, then its gonna be super nerd mode all night - proper way to celebrate halloween.
dress yourself as terminator
your gf dresses as zombie
she sucks on your dkic all night
proper way to celebrate halloween
No, just no.
HOW is your day like?
- Normal day, at work, waiting for an shipment, OH, it just came, brb, editing later. EDIT: Nope, this was a smaller one, bigger later I think. Maybe beer at the evening, 1€ at Hevimesta.

WHAT will you do for Halloween tonight?
- No plans, though we have a All Saints' Day -party with costumes at saturday.

WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love?
- Last time 2009, by myself.

WHAT do you think about Halloween? Do you think we should celebrate it like they do in the USA?
- Just another excuse to drink, but in a special way. Don't care about trick'n'shit, spending time with friends is what matters.
What kind of package are you waiting for? :)
18 pallets of all kinds of stuff, sledges, "ahkios", boxes, 130mm coast-cannon missile-pipes etc etc :)

Also, booked train & hotel for next week, have to go to southern Finland for some meeting. Useless stuff, but why not if company pays.
Coolio; have fun there! :)
Your best friend is a guy met on the internet? Awkward :s
HOW is your day like? Awesome like every single day of my life
WHAT will you do for Halloween tonight? Rolling joints in my ghetto to see bob marley's ghost
WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love? Everybody loves me but I don't love anybody.
WHAT do you think about Halloween? Do you think we should celebrate it like they do in the USA?
Boring as fuck. No.
Edited for you mate ;-)
you sayan I'm not your best friend?
not this shit again, quit gaming hahaha
What is your point?
WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love? Everybody loves me but I don't love anybody.
still waiting to be noticed by her
HOW is your day like?
Shit, doc called me yesterday saying that I got Pfeiffer ( I also have a throat infection, but due to the Pfeiffer I cant use any antibiotics. So my throat is fucking soar so I'm living on water, ice and a bit of oatmeal if I can take it.
WHAT will you do for Halloween tonight?
WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love?
I have no fucking clue, not soon tho, I'm poor
WHAT do you think about Halloween? Do you think we should celebrate it like they do in the USA?
I dont care, if people want to celebrate Halloween, sure let them do it. We don't have candy in the house tho, no1 eats it. So boohoo for the kids that walk by our house tonight :o]
monoclueosis sux man :/
Ye man. Need to rest alot, so I've probably been working out for 8 months for nothing. And I'm extra fucked, because I got exams@school next week -.-
juist niet, leef op water en pap...
HOW is your day like?
- Quite good, basic school stuff so nothing special.

WHAT will you do for Halloween tonight?
- No plans, probably nerd thw whole day

WHEN did you, or will you move by yourself or with the person you love?
- Either when i have enough money or when i meet "the real one"

WHAT do you think about Halloween? Do you think we should celebrate it like they do in the USA?
- I think it would be cool atleast to see and feel what it is like in the US.
Oh yea there was something planned. I invited you some days ago.
Anyway.. I had a really hard time those past two days.
On monday I went to a party, co-organized by my circle. I went to bed at around 4.30, drunk as fuck, and woke up at 8.30 to do some uni stuffs.
Then yesterday I had two parties waiting for me: the pre party at the ULB (Préfab' cousin, si si wooooh) where I got wasted as fuck. Really.. it had been a long time since the last take-a-shit-in-the-wood-and-then-puke-on-your-shoes.
Later I went to the Jefke, after I took this nice lady's number, to meet my newly baptized friends. Big party.. really big party. I don't remember the amount of vomits I let on the ground (and even on the bar.. my favorite moment was when my buddy, who was on the other side of the bar, and I shared a vomit like two good friends).
We really had a great time :)
I left at 3.00, and can't remember anything until 11.30 this morning.

MASSIVE hangover at the moment..

I'm considering going out today as well but the lack of sleep is getting really disquieting.
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