hey every one. I was wondering if someone or some ppl could organize them selfs to collect just a few mgb of demos to make a simple movie about the best frags and moments of this cup. Smth like a drop box where ppl could just leave a demo with a comment saying for example "sec x:xx 4 man frag."

maybe some one already had the idea dunno.

i could select the demos from that "dropbox" or somthing but i got no clue how to make videos.

United Kingdom koop very good camtracer
BelgiumKenzi very good sexcamer
im making a trailer for the cup :p althought i think its too late atm :(

but good idea!
IF NEEDED I can create a "public" ftp account for you guys, so you can paste whatever demo you like.
Everything which isn't RtCW related will be deleted xDD
Just an idea, if you like it, tell me and I will do it asap! ;)
FTP-Server: rtcw.square7.ch
User: rtcw_demos
Password: rtcw4ever
Link: http://bit.ly/YgGnCO (will update this soon, link will be replaced)

Feel free to upload any demo you like, but nothing non-RtCW, thanks!

Have fun uploading :)

Ps: Demos will get backup'd min. once a day on three of my personal Servers, to prevent any data loss.
No need for it anymore I guess :P
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